Plex Plug-in Framework
Release 2.1.1
Plex, Inc.
May 25, 2011
1 Introduction 1
2 How plug-ins work 3
2.1 Differences between plug-ins and regular Python programs . . . . . . . . . . . 3
3 Bundles 5
3.1 Configuration files . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6
3.2 Directories . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8
4 Channel Plug-ins 11
4.1 Getting started with channel development . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11
4.2 Site Configurations . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13
4.3 Services . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 25
5 Agent Plug-ins 33
5.1 Getting started with agent development . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 33
5.2 Searching for results to provide matches for media . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 35
5.3 Adding metadata to media . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 39
5.4 Metadata Model Classes . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 39
6 API Reference 47
6.1 Standard API . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 47
7 Site Configuration Reference 91
7.1 Tags (Alphabetical) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 91
7.2 XML DTD . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 102
7.3 Keyboard Keycode Lookup . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 105
8 Indices and tables 107
Python Module Index 109
Index 111
The Plex Plug-in Framework provides a simple yet powerful platform that enables developers
to easily create plug-ins for Plex Media Server. The framework consists of an API containing a
set of tightly integrated methods, and a small runtime environment that manages the execution
of a plug-in’s code.
The framework API builds upon a great foundation provided by the Python programming lan-
guage, and concentrates on making the areas of Python most frequently used when developing
plug-ins even easier to access. The API handles a lot of the boilerplate code internally, allow-
ing the developer to focus on functionality, and the runtime environment manages most of the
interaction between plug-ins and the media server.
Plug-ins created using the Plex Plug-in Framework are typically very small and lightweight,
and can achieve a great deal of functionality in hardly any time. You’ll be amazed by what you
can accomplish!
Plex Plug-in Framework Documentation, Release 2.1.1
2 Chapter 1. Introduction
Each media server plug-in runs in its’ own process, in a separate Python instance. This en-
sures that plug-ins can’t interfere with each other, or with the operation of the server. Plug-ins
communicate with the media server over sockets and act like mini HTTP servers, receiving
standard HTTP requests and responding with XML-formatted data. This process is completely
transparent to the plug-in developer - the framework will handle receiving requests, routing
them to the correct place within a plug-in, and sending a response back to the server.
Plug-in’s don’t behave quite like normal Python programs. A plug-in isn’t a program in its’
own right - the framework’s runtime environment is the program, which dynamically loads the
plug-in code as part of the initialization routine. The runtime handles common tasks like run
loop management, request handling, logging and data storage, and calls specific functions in
the plug-in when necessary.
2.1 Differences between plug-ins and regular Python
Because media server plug-ins are a little different to regular Python programs, they can behave
strangely in certain situations. There are a few key areas where regular Python rules do not
apply that you should be aware of.
2.1.1 Code structure
Because plug-ins are executed within the framework’s runtime environment, the code
structure is more strict than in a normal Python program. All of the plug-in’s code
needs to be contained within functions. Although it is generally safe to initialize sim-
ple variables with types like str (,
int ( or bool
( outside a function, anything more
complicated (especially involving framework functions) may produce unexpected results or
fail completely. This is because the runtime environment needs to be fully initialized before
using any of the framework methods, and code in plug-ins that exists outside a function is
executed as soon as the plug-in is loaded. Any code you want to execute when the plug-in
Plex Plug-in Framework Documentation, Release 2.1.1
loads should be put inside the Start() (page 13) function. More information can be found
in the functions section.
2.1.2 The framework APIs
One of the biggest hurdles for existing Python developers to overcome is breaking old
habits when it comes to developing plug-ins. For instance, many developers may already
be familiar with using the urllib (
and urllib2 ( modules to make
HTTP requests, but all of the code required to perform a request can be replaced by calling a
single method in the HTTP (page 69) API. This also has other benefits, like automatic cookie
handling and the option to cache the server’s response.
While creating the framework APIs, a great deal of care was taken to make plug-in development
as easy as possible. If you take the time to familiarize yourself with how the framework operates
and the features it provides, you’ll become much more productive when writing plug-ins.
2.1.3 Plug-in execution
Another side effect of the plug-in architecture is that plug-ins are incapable of running by
themselves. Because they rely heavily on the framework APIs and the runtime environment,
plug-ins must be started by the media server.
4 Chapter 2. How plug-ins work
Each plug-in’s code and support files are stored in a self-contained bundle. A bundle is a
specially organized directory with a .bundle extension. Mac OS X treats bundles as if they
were files, allowing you to manipulate them as such in Finder. To view the contents of a
bundle, right-click on it & select “Show Package Contents”. On Windows or Linux, bundles
appear as regular folders.
Here’s an example of the contents of a bundle:
The bundle directory itself contains only one item: the Contents directory. This directory
contains all files and other directories belonging to the plug-in. The Contents directory
should include the following items:
Plex Plug-in Framework Documentation, Release 2.1.1
3.1 Configuration files
The framework uses certain configuration files to provide information about the bundle, set up
defaults and alter how the runtime environment operates.
3.1.1 The Info.plist file
The Info.plist file contains information in the Apple property list format about the bun-
dle’s contents. This information is used by the framework when loading the plug-in.
Note: This file is required.
Here is an example Info.plist file:
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<!DOCTYPE plist PUBLIC "-//Apple Computer//DTD PLIST 1.0//EN" "">
<plist version="1.0">
<key>Apple Movie Trailers</key>
6 Chapter 3. Bundles
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The following properties may be defined:
A string property containing a unique identifier for the plug-in. This should be in the
reverse DNS format (e.g. com.mysite.myplugin).
A string property specifying the bundle’s target framework version. This should be set to
2 to target the current framework version.
A string plug-in identifying the class of the bundle. This should be set to either Content
or Agent.
A string specifying a comma-separated list of client platforms supported by the bundle’s
contents. The list should contain constants from ClientPlatform (page 88).
These properties describe the services available within the bundle. More information
about these keys can be found here (page 25).
Note: These properties are optional.
An array of strings identifying the containers returned by the plug-in. The array should
contain constants from Container (page 89).
Note: This property is optional.
An array of strings identifying the containers returned by the plug-in. The array should
contain constants from AudioCodec (page 89).
Note: This property is optional.
An array of strings identifying the containers returned by the plug-in. The array should
contain constants from VideoCodec (page 89).
Note: This property is optional.
3.1. Configuration files 7
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3.1.2 The DefaultPrefs.json file
DefaultPrefs.json is a JSON-formatted file containing a set of preferences used by the
plug-in, and the default values to use if the user hasn’t specified their own.
More information about the preferences file format can be found here (page 85).
3.2 Directories
The remaining files inside the bundle are separated into specific directories, depending on their
3.2.1 The Code directory
The Code directory contains all of the plug-in’s source code files. Third-party code should not
be included here, only files created by the developer.
The file
The file is the main source code file of the plug-in. It is responsible for any
initialization required, and loading any extra source code files.
See Also:
The Start() (page 13) function The predefined framework function which can be used to
initialize your plugin.
3.2.2 The Services directory
The Services directory contains source code files for the plug-in’s services.
More information about services can be found here (page 25).
3.2.3 The Resources directory
The Resources directory contains any resource files required by the plug-in, like icons or
background images.
Information about loading these resource files in plug-in code is provided in the Resource
(page 66) API reference.
8 Chapter 3. Bundles
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3.2.4 The Strings directory
The Strings directory contains JSON-formatted text files for each language the plug-in sup-
ports. String files should have a .json extension and be named according to the ISO speci-
fication for language codes (e.g. en.json). The name may also include an optional country
code (e.g. en-us.json).
More information about string files can be found in the Locale (page 79) API reference.
3.2. Directories 9
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10 Chapter 3. Bundles
Channel plug-ins are the plug-ins users interact with most frequently. They integrate into the
Plex client user interface, providing a new branch of media for the user to explore. Developers
can easily create plug-ins that provide a hierarchy of media for the user to explore.
4.1 Getting started with channel development
4.1.1 What are channels?
Channels are plug-ins that provide playable content to clients via the media server. They can
extend the server’s media tree to provide access to almost any type of content available online,
and present a rich, browsable hierarchy to the user.
4.1.2 Understanding contexts
Before starting to write code, the developer should understand the concept of contexts within
the runtime environment. A context is an encapsulation of certain state information. When
your plug-in first starts, a single context is created - this is referred to as the global context.
As a plug-in receives requests, the framework creates a new context for each one - these are
referred to as request contexts.
Many of the framework’s APIs are context aware, meaning that they are able to act on infor-
mation stored in the current context. What this means for the developer is that they need to do
much less work to effectively support multiple parallel requests. The framework will ensure
that API calls from plug-in code return values based on the correct context, affecting all manner
of things from string localization, to user preferences, to supported object types.
There is only one caveat to this method - global objects cannot be modified from request con-
texts. Since plug-ins can potentially serve thousands of simultaneous requests, a global object
could be modified by one request while it was still in use by another. Rather than use global ob-
jects, the developer should attempt to maintain state by passing arguments between functions,
or using one of the data storage APIs provided by the framework.
Plex Plug-in Framework Documentation, Release 2.1.1
4.1.3 Configuring the Info.plist file
To indicate that the bundle contains a channel plug-in, the PlexPluginClass key should be set
to Content in the Info.plist file.
4.1.4 Adding a prefix
Channel plug-ins add themselves to the user interface by first defining a prefix. Once a prefix
has been registered, the plug-in effectively ‘owns’ all requests received by the media server
beginning with that prefix.
To register a prefix, the developer must define a function to be the main prefix handler using
the @handler (page 47) decorator:
@handler(’/video/example’, ’Example’)
def Main():
Any incoming requests with the /video/example prefix will now be routed to this plug-in,
and requests matching the path exactly will be directed to this function, and the channel will
appear as a new icon in each supported client’s Channels menu.
4.1.5 Creating a menu hierarchy
To create the beginning of a browsable tree of metadata items, the developer needs to create
an ObjectContainer (page 52), populate it with objects and return it to the client. The
objects in this container can point to other functions within the plug-in, allowing the developer
to define a rich navigation hierarchy.
The simplest and most common use of function callbacks is to connect a DirectoryObject
(page 62) to a function that will generate another ObjectContainer (page 52) (providing
a new level of navigation) using the Callback() (page 48) function:
def Main():
oc = ObjectContainer(
objects = [
key = Callback(SecondMenu),
title = "Example Directory"
return oc
def SecondMenu():
oc = ObjectContainer(
return oc
12 Chapter 4. Channel Plug-ins
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The Callback() (page 48) function can also be used to return image data for thumbnails or
background art, or provide data for a media object (usually by redirecting to the real source).
4.1.6 Predefined functions
The framework reserves a few predefined function names. The developer can implement these
functions if they wish to. They will be called when specific events occur.
This function is called when the plug-in first starts. It can be used to perform extra
initialisation tasks such as configuring the environment and setting default attributes.
This function is called when the user modifies their preferences. The developer can check
the newly provided values to ensure they are correct (e.g. attempting a login to validate a
username and password), and optionally return a MessageContainer to display any
error information to the user.
SetRating(key, rating)
This function is called when the user sets the rating of a metadata item returned by the
plug-in. The key argument will be equal to the value of the item’s rating_key at-
4.2 Site Configurations
Note: Playback of Flash or Silverlight content using site configurations is currently only
supported on Mac OS X.
4.2.1 Overview
A Site Configuration file allows a Flash or Silverlight player to be played within a web browser.
Pretend the you could fire up a web browser, go to your favorite video site and draw a rectangle
around just the video player. The video player would then be zoomed in to fill the screen and
all of other web page junk is just thrown away so that you can watch the video without any
Site Configurations are complements to WebVideoItem() in the plugin framework. They
act as handlers to the urls that the WebVideoItem() passes out.
When you should NOT create a Site Config
If you have access to the video stream directly, then you should not use a site configuration file.
4.2. Site Configurations 13
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You will have to do some sleuthing to see if you can get access to the .flv, .mp4 or RTMP
streams directly. You can use tools like the Net inspector in Firebug or you can sometimes find
the stream URL passed in as a parameter to the player if you view the HTML source.
Some formats will just not work. RTMPE (note the E) or other formats which have DRM will
have to be played with the flash/silverlight player and warrant the creation of a Site Configura-
tion file
Where to put them
Site configurations can go one of two places.
1. (recommended) Inside of your plugin bundle file
MyPlugin.bundle/Contents/Site Configurations/yourfile.xml
2. ~/Library/Application Support/Plex Media Server/Site
4.2.2 Gathering Player Information
When creating site configs, often you will need to have access to information such as:
1. Url’s of the webpage / player
2. Height and Width of the video player
3. X/Y coordinates of buttons on the player
4. X/Y coordinates of other elements / colors on the screen
You’ll use this information later on to do things like “click on a button” or “find out what color
the pixel is here”
This information can be a real pain to get without some tools and techniques to help you out.
Here are just a few.
You will need two urls saved away somewhere for future reference. Later on, you will use these
URLs in order to create two regular expressions for the <site> (page 100) tag
The first URL you will need is the URL of the page which contains the Flash or Silverlight
player. You can simply copy and paste the URL from your browser URL bar.
The other URL you will need is the URL of the Flash or Silverlight player. You can use the
“View Source” function of your web browser and then search for the URL that is used in the
<embed> tag for the plugin.
Now that you have these URLs save them away in a text file for later use.
14 Chapter 4. Channel Plug-ins
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Player Size and Coordinates
Install Firebug ( for Firefox ( and then simply visit
the webpage containing the video player.
From here, (1) open Firebug and (2) click on the “Inspect” icon and then click on the (3) flash
player in the page.
Information about this element list CSS style information now shows on the right hand side.
Click on the (4) “Layout” tab over on the right.
You should now see (5) height and width information for the selected element on the page.
Free Ruler
Another excellent tool to use (OSX) is called Free Ruler
Download and install this program and you will be able to overlay the horizontal and vertical
rulers over the top/left edge of the flash player. With FreeRuler in the foreground, you’ll be
able to hit Command-C to copy the x/y coordinates of the current mouse position so that you
can use this information later on with tags such as <click> (page 93) and <move> (page 96).
You can use the DigitlColor Meter tool which comes with OSX to find out the hex color value
of any pixel on the screen.
4.2. Site Configurations 15
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4.2.3 The XML File
The <site> Element
Site configuration files all start out with the <site> tag along with the proper <xml? ..
definition. A bare bones example looks like so:
<site site=""
<!-- ... -->
The site and plugin attributes are actually regular expressions which match URLs
The site regular expression must match the URL for the webpage which contains the flash
or silverlight plugin. This regular expression is scanned whenever a WebVideoItem url is
If another site configuration file has a url which also matches the url, then the regular expression
which is the most specific (longer) wins and the site configuration file containing that regular
expression is run.
The plugin regular expression must match the url for the embedded player. This URL is
usually found in the <embed> tag of the web page.
The initialState attribute tells the player to begin the the <state> (page 100) tag with the
corresponding name attribute. More on States and Events (page 18)
A seekbar is a representation of your progress through a video. It shows you information such
1. How far through the video you are
2. Control for skip forward / skip backward
Some seekbars are graphical in nature only. For these, use the ‘simple’ or ‘thumb’ value for the
type attribute on the <seekbar> (page 99) tag.
Some Flash/Silverlight players expose hooks in their players which allow javascript to actually
control and retrieve information from the player. This is an advanced topic and you would use
‘javascript’ for the type attribute on the <seekbar> (page 99) tag.
16 Chapter 4. Channel Plug-ins
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This is a seekbar which shows progrss as a bar going from left to right across the player. It does
NOT have a “thumb” for you to grab/drag in order to skip to a different place in the video.
Here is an example:
<seekbar type="simple">
<start x="63" y="290" />
<end x="388" y="290" />
<color rgb="4f4f4f" />
<color rgb="616161" />
This example says the following in plain english.
The seekbar on this player starts at (63,290) and ends at (388,290). These coordinates are not
relative to the actual web page, but of the actual flash/silverlight player. We create a line created
by “drawing” from <start> to <end>. If, under this line, we see pixels colored #4f4f4f or
#616161, then we’ll consider that portion played. Once we find a color that does NOT match,
we’ll stop looking.
The site config then does the math for the portion of played / unplayed and now knows how to
do a few things:
1. where to click the mouse when you skip ahead or skip back
2. how to update the progress bar in Plex
This is a seekbar which has a “thumb” for you to grab and drag around to set the position of
the video. It is very similar to a ‘simple’ seekbar but the way the colors are interpreted is a litte
Here is an example:
<seekbar type="thumb">
<start x="63" y="290" />
<end x="388" y="290" />
<color rgb="d3d3d3" />
This example says the following in plain english.
The seekbar on this player starts at (63,290) and ends at (388,290). These coordinates are not
relative to the actual web page, but of the actual flash/silverlight player. We create a line created
by “drawing” from <start> to <end>. If, under this line we see the color #d3d3d3, then we
immediately stop and record that position as the current playing position.
4.2. Site Configurations 17
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As mentioned above, some video players have exposed javascript API’s for their video players.
For those sites that have done this, you can access the values from those functions and pass
them back over to Plex.
<seekbar type="javascript">
<percentComplete equals="$.currentTime()/$.duration()
100.0" />
<bigStep minus="$.seek($.currentTime() - 30)" plus="$.seek($.currentTime() + 30)" />
<smallStep minus="$.seek($.currentTime() - 10)" plus="$.seek($.currentTime() + 10)" />
<end condition="$.currentTime() > 0 &amp;&amp; $.currentTime() > $.duration()" />
There are a few things that should be mentioned about the example above.
First, you’ll notice the $ variable. This is a special variable that Plex creates when the page
is loaded. It is equal to the DOM node of the flash player which was identified when the site
configuration file was loaded.
It is somewhat equivalant to Plex having done this for you where the element in question is the
actual embeded SWF file:
$ = document.getElementById(...)
States and Events
The web video player allows you to define states of being as well as events and actions that are
valid during those states.
You will be using events to detect a change and you’ll then take “action”. Taking action typi-
cally involves also moving into another state, which is aware of other events and actions.
We’ll go into detail about the <action> (page 91) and <event> (page 95) tags later on but here
are a few examples of the terms ‘state’, ‘event’ and ‘action’
Examples of states:
1. Playing the video
2. Video is paused
3. An Ad is playing
4. Video is buffereing
5. Video is done playing
Examples of events:
1. User pressed the button named pause
2. Noticed a certain color or colors somewhere on the screen
Examples of actions:
1. Click a button
18 Chapter 4. Channel Plug-ins
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2. Move to another state
Lets take a look at a full example:
<site site=""
<!-- PLAYING -->
<state name="playing">
<command name="pause" />
<click x="15" y="304" />
<goto state="paused" />
<!-- PAUSED -->
<state name="paused">
<command name="play" />
<click x="15" y="304" />
<goto state="playing" />
Here is what this file is saying.
We’ve found a SWF file and we are going to enter the initial state with the name of “playing”. If
the user causes the command named “pause” to run (could be keyboard, mouse, remote control
etc), then we’re going to click on the screen at (15,304) and then go to the “paused” state. Then
the user runs the command named “play” and we’ll click on (15,304) again and then enter the
“playing” state.
Note that the name attribute of the <state> (page 100) tag doesn’t inherently mean anything.
It is simply a label so that we can <goto> (page 96) it and reference it with initialState.
We could have called the “playing” state “foo” and the . Plex Media Server does not care.
The “play” in <command> (page 94) tag DOES matter but we will dive into that later.
Each state may have 0 or more <event> (page 95) tags.
4.2. Site Configurations 19
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Event Conditions
Each <event> (page 95) tag has one <condition> (page 93) tag and one <action> (page 91)
tag inside.
Conditions are then built up through a combination of logic tags and conditionals. Specifics on
the usage of each tag is detailed in the documentation for each tag individually.
Logic Tags:
<and> (page 92)
<or> (page 97)
<not> (page 97)
Conditional Tags:
<color> (page 93)
<command> (page 94)
<condition> (page 93) (special case. see: .. Named Condition Definitions (page 21))
<frameLoaded> (page 95)
<javascript> (page 96)
<pref> (page 99)
<title> (page 101)
<url> (page 102)
<state name="playing">
<and> <!-- logic tag -->
<command name="pause" /> <!-- conditional -->
<or> <!-- logic tag -->
<color x="45" y="45" rgb="ffffff"/> <!-- conditional -->
<color x="46" y="45" rgb="ffffff"/> <!-- conditional -->
<click x="15" y="304" />
<goto state="paused" />
20 Chapter 4. Channel Plug-ins
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Event Actions
As mentioned previously, each <event> (page 95) tag has one <condition> (page 93) tag and
one <action> (page 91) tag inside.
These <action> (page 91) tags can then have one or more actions as children. They are exe-
cuted in the order that they are defined from top to bottom.
Specifics on the usage of each action is detailed in the documentation for each tag individually.
Action Tags:
<click> (page 93)
<goto> (page 96)
<lockPlugin> (page 96)
<move> (page 96)
<pause> (page 98)
<run> (page 99)
<type> (page 101)
<visit> (page 102)
Named Condition Definitions
The <condition> (page 93) tag is used in one of two ways. As an event condition (see: Event
Conditions (page 20)) or in this case, as a definition of a named condition which can be called
out and used in event conditions.
Think of these as condition “functions” that can be re-used in more than one <state>
(page 100).
The following example defined a named conditional, ‘buffering_colors_showing’ and then calls
out to that condition later on in the “playing” state:
<site site=""
<condition name="buffering_colors_showing">
<color x="1" y="1" rgb="ffffff"/>
<color x="2" y="2" rgb="ffffff"/>
<state name="playing">
4.2. Site Configurations 21
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<command name="pause" />
<condition name="buffering_colors_showing"/>
<click x="15" y="304" />
<goto state="paused" />
<!-- ... -->
As you can see, this can make for powerful condition reuse especially when you combine
named conditions with logic tags such as <or> (page 97).
User Agents
Some sites have strange user agent requirements or block requests based on the user agent.
You can specify a user agent using the agent attribute of the <site> (page 100) tag.
You can randomize the user agent by setting randomAgent to true in the <site> (page 100)
TODO: what is the default user agent?
Access to Preferences
There are several ways you can use preferences.
In conditionals, you can test to see if a preference key exists by using the <pref> (page 99)
conditional tag like so:
<pref name="username" exists="true"/>
The value of preference variables are also available for use in other tags as well. For instance,
when filling out a form in the site config, you can type the value of a pref using the <type>
(page 101) tag like so:
22 Chapter 4. Channel Plug-ins
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<type text="${username}"/>
You can also use preference variable replacements in javascript expressions and several other
places like so:
<run script="doLogin(’${username}’,’${password}’);"/>
Preference variable replacement works in the following elements/attributes:
1. <setCookie> (page 99) value attribute
2. <run> (page 99) script attribute
3. <type> (page 101) text attribute
4. <smallStep> (page 101) plus and minus attributes
5. <bigStep> (page 92) plus and minus attributes
6. <end> (page 95) condition attribute
7. <javascript> (page 96) script attribute
Changed in version Plex: 0.8.3 <setCookie> (page 99) value attribute can accept
javascriptChanged in version Plex: 0.8.3 <javascript> (page 96) script attribute can accept
Note: When referencing preference variables using javascript, the preference value is returned
as a string. This included ‘bool’ preferences so for instance expect the string ‘true’ and not the
javascript value of true when referencing ‘bool’ preferences.
Setting Cookies
You can set cookies for plugins too! Just take a look at the <setCookie> (page 99) tag docu-
mentation for more details.
Filling Out Forms
This can be tricky and you’ll need to use a combination of techniques to do this including
detecting if a form is present, clicking on form elements, filling them in etc.
here is an example from the mlb.xml site configuration file:
<!-- login prompt -->
<state name="login">
<condition name="prompting-for-login"/>
<pref name="login" exists="true"/>
<pref name="password" exists="true"/>
4.2. Site Configurations 23
Plex Plug-in Framework Documentation, Release 2.1.1
<!-- set focus -->
<click x="116" y="409"/>
<pause time="10"/>
<!-- "double click" the email input to select all -->
<click x="116" y="409"/>
<click x="116" y="409"/>
<pause time="100"/>
<type text="${login}"/>
<!-- click the password input -->
<pause time="10"/>
<click x="116" y="439"/>
<pause time="100"/>
<type text="${password}"/>
<!-- submit the form -->
<pause time="100"/>
<type key="13"/>
<!-- wait for the form to animate closed -->
<pause time="2000"/>
<goto state="playing"/>
Javascript Execution
Javascript can be run in two places.
If you would like to run javascript inside of an action, you’ll need to use the <run> (page 99)
<run script="myVariable=10;"/>
See the syntax for the <run> (page 99) tag for more details.
If you would like to test a javascript expression for truth inside of a <condition> (page 93),
then you’ll need to use the <javascript> (page 96) tag.
example assuming myVariable is 10 :
24 Chapter 4. Channel Plug-ins
Plex Plug-in Framework Documentation, Release 2.1.1
<javascript script="myVariable" matches="10"/> <!-- true condition -->
<javascript script="myVariable == 10 ? 1 : 0" matches="1"/> <!-- true condition -->
<javascript script="myVariable == 99 ? 1 : 0" matches="1"/> <!-- false condition -->
4.3 Services
The Plex development platform provides a great deal of power and flexibility for develop-
ing self-contained channel plug-ins. However, these plug-ins can (and often do) present very
different media hierarchies and handle media from a wide range of sources. Because of this
inconsistency, it is difficult to treat the content as anything other than a navigable tree of media -
there is no standard way to obtain meaningful information about a specific piece of media, find
a piece of media in a predictable manner, or establish relationships between multiple pieces of
media, restricting what channel plug-ins are capable of.
In order to solve this limitation, the plug-in framework includes the concept of “services”.
A service consists of a set of functions that work together to perform a specific task in a well-
defined manner. Because the behaviour of these services is always consistent between plug-ins,
a lot of new and interesting functionality can be leveraged, allowing much deeper integration
into the Plex ecosystem - media easily be searched for or linked with related content, and
additional features will be enabled in future. The code is often simpler and easier to reuse too!
Three types of service are currently available:
4.3.1 URL Services
URL services are responsible for taking a website’s URL and returning standardized Plex meta-
data objects. For example, given the URL”, the
URL service would return a video clip object with appropriate title, summary, and other rele-
vant details.
The magic of a URL service is its ability to convert arbitrarily formatted web content into a
normalized schema for a piece of media, with all the richness of the Plex library metadata (e.g.
tags, cast, media format/codec information, etc.).
Defining a URL service
To add a URL service to a plug-in, the developer just to make a small addition to the plug-in’s
Info.plist file. The following example illustrates a definition for a URL service handling content
from YouTube:
4.3. Services 25
Plex Plug-in Framework Documentation, Release 2.1.1
PlexURLServices is a dictionary that can define multiple URL services. Services must be
uniquely named.
Each service must have a URLPattern defined. The value should be a regular expression
that matches URLs that can be handled by the service. Plex uses this expression to determine
which service should be used to handle a given URL.
The Identifier of the service must be a globally unique string, and cannot be shared with
any other URL service, even ones in different bundles. While optional, this string must be
provided in order to link a URL service with a related content service.
Additionally, each service can optionally define an array of TestURLs. This array should
contain a list of URLs that the service is capable of handling. Plex’s automated testing system
will use these URLs to verify that the service is functioning correctly and generate an alert if
any problems occur. Developers are strongly encouraged to add a list of testable URLs to allow
errors to be caught quickly.
Creating a source file
Once a service has been defined in the Info.plist file, the developer needs to add a file containing
the service’s source code. The file should be named ServiceCode.pys (the .pys extension
indicates that the file contains service code) and added to a subdirectory with the same name as
the key used in the service definition. Continuing the YouTube example above, the path of the
file would be as follows:
Contents/URL Services/YouTube/ServiceCode.pys
Writing the code
URL services should define the following functions:
This function should create and return a metadata object (for example, a VideoClipOb-
ject) and populate it with metadata from the given URL. Only the metadata should be
added here - the object’s key and rating_key properties will be synthesised based on
the URL.
Note: Although the object’s media items can be created here, this isn’t necessary. If no
items are provided, they will be populated using the function defined below.
26 Chapter 4. Channel Plug-ins
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Parameters url (str (
The URL of the web page to use as a source for generating the metadata
Returns A metadata object representing the media available at the given
This function should create and return a list of media objects and part objects representing
the media available at the given URL. Callbacks may be used if obtaining the final media
location requires additional computation.
Note: This function is expected to execute and return very quickly, as it could be called
several times for different URLs when building a container. As such, developers should
avoid making any API calls that could delay execution (e.g. HTTP requests).
Parameters url (str (
The URL of the web page to use as a source for generating the metadata
Returns Media objects representing the media available at the given URL.
Return type list
This function should return a “normalised” version of the given URL. Plex uses the URL
as a unique identifier for a given piece of content, but the same media will often appear
at different URLs, even simply due to additional query string arguments. For example,
the following URLs all point to the same video:
In this case, the normalised version of this URL would be:
This function is called automatically before passing the URL to the above two functions.
They will always receive normalised URLs.
Note: This function is expected to execute and return very quickly, as it could be called
several times for different URLs when building a container. As such, developers should
avoid making any API calls that could delay execution (e.g. HTTP requests).
4.3. Services 27
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Note: This function is optional. If each piece of media is only accessible via a single
URL, the developer may omit this function.
Parameters url (str (
The URL to be normalised.
Returns A normalised version of the URL.
Return type str
Testing the service
The simplest way of testing a URL service is to use the built-in lookup function. Using the
example URL given above, the service could be tested by making the following HTTP request:
$ curl "http://localhost:32400/system/services/url/lookup?"
<?xml version=’1.0’ encoding=’utf-8’?>
<MediaContainer size="1" identifier="com.plexapp.system" mediaTagPrefix="/system/bundle/media/flags/" mediaTagVersion="1300301082">
<Video url="" key="/system/services/url/lookup?url=http%3A//" type="clip" rating="9.3569088" duration="213000" title="Rick Astley - Never Gonna Give You Up" originallyAvailableAt="2009-10-25" summary="Music video by Rick Astley performing Never Gonna Give You Up. YouTube view counts pre-VEVO: 2,573,462 (C) 1987 PWL" ratingKey="">
<Media indirect="1">
<Part file="" key="/:/plugins/com.plexapp.system/urlservice_function/Y2VyZWFsMQowCnMzMwpodHRwOi8veW91dHViZS5jb20vP3Y9ZFF3NHc5V2dYY1E_/PlayVideo?args=Y2VyZWFsMQoxCnR1cGxlCjAKcjAK&amp;kwargs=Y2VyZWFsMQoxCmRpY3QKMQpzMzMKaHR0cDovL3lvdXR1YmUuY29tLz92PWRRdzR3OVdnWGNRczMKdXJscjAK&amp;indirect=1"/>
<Media indirect="1">
<Part file="" key="/:/plugins/com.plexapp.system/urlservice_function/Y2VyZWFsMQowCnMzMwpodHRwOi8veW91dHViZS5jb20vP3Y9ZFF3NHc5V2dYY1E_/PlayVideo?args=Y2VyZWFsMQoxCnR1cGxlCjAKcjAK&amp;kwargs=Y2VyZWFsMQoxCmRpY3QKMgpzMzMKaHR0cDovL3lvdXR1YmUuY29tLz92PWRRdzR3OVdnWGNRczMKdXJsczQKNzIwcHMxMQpkZWZhdWx0X2ZtdHIwCg__&amp;indirect=1"/>
<Media indirect="1">
<Part file="" key="/:/plugins/com.plexapp.system/urlservice_function/Y2VyZWFsMQowCnMzMwpodHRwOi8veW91dHViZS5jb20vP3Y9ZFF3NHc5V2dYY1E_/PlayVideo?args=Y2VyZWFsMQoxCnR1cGxlCjAKcjAK&amp;kwargs=Y2VyZWFsMQoxCmRpY3QKMgpzMzMKaHR0cDovL3lvdXR1YmUuY29tLz92PWRRdzR3OVdnWGNRczMKdXJsczQKSGlnaHMxMQpkZWZhdWx0X2ZtdHIwCg__&amp;indirect=1"/>
<Genre tag="Music"/>
<Tag tag="Rick"/>
<Tag tag="Astley"/>
<Tag tag="Sony"/>
<Tag tag="BMG"/>
<Tag tag="Music"/>
<Tag tag="UK"/>
<Tag tag="Pop"/>
Calling the service from plug-in code
The URL service can be invoked using the Service API. However, this is rarely the best course
of action. Using the URL service to generate a full metadata object is often slow, and since
plug-ins are usually providing a large container of items to be returned to a client, calling the
service for each item in the container would cause an unacceptable delay for the user.
The most beneficial use of URL services within plug-ins is to use them to generate the media
objects, but not the metadata. Since creating the media objects should always be fast, and
28 Chapter 4. Channel Plug-ins
Plex Plug-in Framework Documentation, Release 2.1.1
the plug-in will usually have access to the metadata from the web page used to generate the
container, this hybrid approach offers the best of both worlds - fast execution and use of the
extra features enabled by using the service.
In order to simplify implementation of this common case, the framework will automatically
call the URL service to populate the list of media items and set the metadata object’s key and
rating_key properties if the developer sets the metadata object’s url property:
video = VideoClipObject(
title = video_title,
summary = video_summary,
originally_available_at = video_date,
rating = video_rating,
url = ’’
4.3.2 Search Services
Search services are responsible for accepting a search query and returning a container of meta-
data objects that match the query. They are far simpler than URL services, and usually benefit
from being able to reuse some of the service code. All installed search services are able to
contribute to results from Plex’s universal search feature.
Defining a search service
Like URL services, search services are defined in the plug-in’s Info.plist file. The following
example illustrates the definition of the VideoSurf search service:
As with URL services, PlexSearchServices is a dictionary that can contain multiple
search services. The key of each item should be a name for the service unique to the bundle.
The value of each item should be a dictionary containing information about the service.
Currently the only item stored in this dictionary is Identifier. This should be a globally
unique identifier for the search service - no two search services (even in separate bundles) may
share an identifier. Search services may share an identifier with an URL service or related
content service.
4.3. Services 29
Plex Plug-in Framework Documentation, Release 2.1.1
Creating a source file
Similarly, the developer needs to add a file containing the service’s source code after defining
the service in the Info.plist file. The file should be named ServiceCode.pys (the .pys
extension indicates that the file contains service code) and added to a subdirectory with the
same name as the key used in the service definition. Continuing the VideoSurf example above,
the path of the file would be as follows:
Contents/Search Services/VideoSurf/ServiceCode.pys
Writing the code
Search services should define the following function:
This function should accept a user-entered query and return a container of relevant re-
sults. Mixed object types can be added to the container if necessary - the client is respon-
sible for separating them into relevant groups.
In addition to the standard metadata properties, the source_title property can be set
on the returned objects if required. This will be displayed by the client to indicate the
result’s source, and is useful for services that return results from multiple sources (like
VideoSurf). If no source title is given, the service’s name is used.
If the items to be returned can be handled by a URL service, it can be invoked by setting
the url property of the objects.
Parameters query (str (
The search query entered by the user.
Returns A container of items matching the given query.
Return type ObjectContainer (page 52)
Testing the service
The simplest way of testing a search service is to use the built-in search function. Using the ex-
ample service above and the query “dog”, the service could be tested by making the following
HTTP request:
$ curl "http://localhost:32400/system/services/search?"
<?xml version=’1.0’ encoding=’utf-8’?>
<MediaContainer size="20" identifier="com.plexapp.system" mediaTagPrefix="/system/bundle/media/flags/" mediaTagVersion="1300301082">
<Video url="" key="/system/services/url/lookup?url=http%3A//" type="clip" duration="119000" title="Mickey Mouse hot dog en español" originallyAvailableAt="2008-01-20" summary="club disney Mickey Mouse hot dog en español" sourceTitle="YouTube" thumb="" ratingKey="">
<Media indirect="1">
<Part file="" key="/:/plugins/com.plexapp.system/urlservice_function/Y2VyZWFsMQowCnMzMwpodHRwOi8veW91dHViZS5jb20vP3Y9QnFlSmxPV2R5THM_/PlayVideo?args=Y2VyZWFsMQoxCnR1cGxlCjAKcjAK&amp;kwargs=Y2VyZWFsMQoxCmRpY3QKMQpzMzMKaHR0cDovL3lvdXR1YmUuY29tLz92PUJxZUpsT1dkeUxzczMKdXJscjAK&amp;indirect=1"/>
<Media indirect="1">
<Part file="" key="/:/plugins/com.plexapp.system/urlservice_function/Y2VyZWFsMQowCnMzMwpodHRwOi8veW91dHViZS5jb20vP3Y9QnFlSmxPV2R5THM_/PlayVideo?args=Y2VyZWFsMQoxCnR1cGxlCjAKcjAK&amp;kwargs=Y2VyZWFsMQoxCmRpY3QKMgpzMzMKaHR0cDovL3lvdXR1YmUuY29tLz92PUJxZUpsT1dkeUxzczMKdXJsczQKNzIwcHMxMQpkZWZhdWx0X2ZtdHIwCg__&amp;indirect=1"/>
30 Chapter 4. Channel Plug-ins
Plex Plug-in Framework Documentation, Release 2.1.1
<Media indirect="1">
<Part file="" key="/:/plugins/com.plexapp.system/urlservice_function/Y2VyZWFsMQowCnMzMwpodHRwOi8veW91dHViZS5jb20vP3Y9QnFlSmxPV2R5THM_/PlayVideo?args=Y2VyZWFsMQoxCnR1cGxlCjAKcjAK&amp;kwargs=Y2VyZWFsMQoxCmRpY3QKMgpzMzMKaHR0cDovL3lvdXR1YmUuY29tLz92PUJxZUpsT1dkeUxzczMKdXJsczQKSGlnaHMxMQpkZWZhdWx0X2ZtdHIwCg__&amp;indirect=1"/>
4.3.3 Related Content Services
Related content services are similar to search services - they are responsible for accepting a
metadata object and returning a new container of metadata objects that are related to the one
provided. Like search services, they too can usually benefit from being able to reuse some of
the URL service code.
Defining a related content service
Like other services, related content services are defined in the plug-in’s Info.plist file. The
following example illustrates the definition of a related content service for YouTube:
As with other services, PlexRelatedContentServices is a dictionary that can contain
multiple related content services. The key of each item should be a name for the service unique
to the bundle. The value of each item should be a dictionary containing information about the
Currently the only item stored in this dictionary is Identifier. This should be a globally
unique identifier for the related content service - no two related content services (even in sep-
arate bundles) may share an identifier. Each related content services must be associated with
a URL service by assigning a common identifier to both. This allows Plex to select related
content for an item based on its URL.
Creating a source file
The developer needs to add a file containing the service’s source code after defining the service
in the Info.plist file. The file should be named ServiceCode.pys (the .pys extension indi-
cates that the file contains service code) and added to a subdirectory with the same name as the
4.3. Services 31
Plex Plug-in Framework Documentation, Release 2.1.1
key used in the service definition. Continuing the YouTube example above, the path of the file
would be as follows:
Contents/Related Content Services/YouTube/ServiceCode.pys
Writing the code
Search services should define the following function:
This function should accept a metadata object and return a container of related items.
Mixed object types can be added to the container if necessary - the client is responsible
for separating them into relevant groups.
In addition to the standard metadata properties, the source_title property can be set
on the returned objects if required. This will be displayed by the client to indicate the
result’s source, and is useful for services that return results from multiple sources (like
VideoSurf). If no source title is given, the service’s name is used.
If the items to be returned can be handled by a URL service, it can be invoked by setting
the url property of the objects.
Parameters metadata – The metadata object to present related content for.
Returns A container of items related to the given metadata object.
Return type ObjectContainer (page 52)
Testing the service
The simplest way of testing a related content service is to use the built-
in lookup function. Using the example service above and the sample URL, the service could be tested by
making the following HTTP request:
$ curl "http://localhost:32400/system/services/relatedcontent/lookup?"
32 Chapter 4. Channel Plug-ins
Agent plug-ins mostly operate behind the scenes, hardly ever requiring any user interaction.
However, they are just as important as channel plug-ins. Agent plug-ins provide search results
and metadata for Plex’s media library system. As with channel plug-ins, they can be easily
created and extended by developers, allowing metadata from almost any source to be added to
media in the library.
5.1 Getting started with agent development
5.1.1 What are agents?
Agents are plug-ins that provide search results used for matching media, and metadata for the
media once it’s been matched. While they use the same framework as channel plug-ins, and as
such have access to the same APIs, their runtime operation is slightly different.
Agent plug-ins do not need to register prefixes or define a navigation hierarchy. Instead they
must define a class capable of performing the functions required to integrate with Plex’s meta-
data retrieval process. Once the concepts behind the operation of agent plug-ins are understood,
agent development is very simple.
5.1.2 Understanding the metadata retrieval process
Rather than communicating with agent plug-ins directly, the media server issues agent requests
via a service provided by the framework. This allows many requests to be queued and processed
When a new piece of media is found, the media server will issue a search to attempt to match
the media with a known piece of metadata online. Agents will be called depending on the
configuration of the section containing the media. The primary agent for the section will be
called and provided with a set of hints that the media server was able to extract from the file’s
name and embedded metadata. It is the responsibility of the agent to return a set of search
results that are potential matches for the media. The best match will be automatically selected
by the media server, but the list may also be presented to the user if they need to manually
override the automatic match. This method is called synchronously - the media server will wait
Plex Plug-in Framework Documentation, Release 2.1.1
for it to complete so results can be selected or displayed, and as such it should return as quickly
as possible.
Once a piece of media has been matched successfully, the media server issues an update re-
quest to the agents. The update methods of the agents associated with the library section are
called, and passed a metadata object. It is then the agent’s responsibility to fill in any available
metadata that hasn’t already been populated. The update method may be used to update an
existing metadata object - it is the developer’s responsibility to check the object’s contents and
avoid downloading metadata that’s already there (especially images), as this can place undue
burden on web servers and degrade the media server’s performance. This method is called
asynchronously. There is no limit on the amount of time an agent can take to download meta-
data, but the developer should attempt to make their method complete as quickly as possible in
order to improve the user experience.
After the update methods in all required agents have completed, the framework’s agent service
creates a composite version of the metadata object including as much data as possible from the
user’s selected sources, using the priority order they specified. The combined metadata object
is then loaded by the media server and used to populate the library database.
5.1.3 Configuring the Info.plist file
To indicate that the bundle contains an agent plug-in, the PlexPluginClass key should be set to
Agent in the Info.plist file.
5.1.4 Defining an agent class
This is an example of an agent class definition:
class MyAgent(Agent.Movies):
name = ’My Agent’
languages = [
primary_provider = True
fallback_agent = False
accepts_from = None
contributes_to = None
def search(self, results, media, lang, manual):
def update(self, metadata, media, lang, force)
Agents should inherit from either Agent.Movies, Agent.TV_Shows, Agent.Artist
or Agent.Album.
The following class attributes may be defined:
34 Chapter 5. Agent Plug-ins
Plex Plug-in Framework Documentation, Release 2.1.1
A string defining the name of the agent for display in the GUI. This attribute is required.
A list of strings defining the languages supported by the agent. These values should be
taken from the constants defined in the Locale (page 79) API. This attribute is required.
A boolean value defining whether the agent is a primary metadata provider or not. Pri-
mary providers can be selected as the main source of metadata for a particular media
type. If an agent is secondary (primary_provider is set to False) it will only be able
to contribute to data provided by another primary agent. This attribute is required
A string containing the identifier of another agent to use as a fallback. If none of the
matches returned by an agent are a close enough match to the given set of hints, this
fallback agent will be called to attempt to find a better match. This attribute is optional.
A list of strings containing the identifiers of agents that can contribute secondary data to
primary data provided by this agent. This attribute is optional.
A list of strings containing the identifiers of primary agents that the agent can contribute
secondary data to. This attribute is optional.
Note: The list of available contributors for a particular agent is a composite of the
accepts_from and contributes_to attributes of the various agents involved, and
is computed at runtime.
The search and update methods are detailed in the following sections.
5.2 Searching for results to provide matches for media
When the media server needs an agent to perform a search, it calls the agent’s search method:
search(self, results, media, lang, manual)
self – A reference to the instance of the agent class.
results (ObjectContainer (page 52)) – An empty container that
the developer should populate with potential matches.
media (Media (page 36)) An object containing hints to be used
when performing the search.
lang (str ( A
string identifying the user’s currently selected language. This will
be one of the constants added to the agent’s languages attribute.
5.2. Searching for results to provide matches for media 35
Plex Plug-in Framework Documentation, Release 2.1.1
manual (bool (
A boolean value identifying whether the search was issued auto-
matically during scanning, or manually by the user (in order to fix an
incorrect match)
class Media
The media object provided to the search method provides the developer with all the
hints found by the media server while scanning for media. For media that contains several
individual playable items (e.g. albums or TV shows), the hints for the most recent item
are provided.
If the search is being called in a secondary agent, the metadata object from the
primary agent will be provided here. If the search is being called in a primary
agent, this attribute will be None.
If the search is being called in a secondary agent, the identifier of the primary agent
will be provided here. If the search is being called in a primary agent, this attribute
will be None.
The name of the media file on disk.
A string identifying the name of the item, extracted from its’ filename or embedded
Note: This attribute is only available for Movie and TV Show metadata searches.
A string identifying the hash of the file, as used by
Note: This attribute is only available for Movie and TV Show metadata searches.
The year associated with the item, extracted from its’ filename or embedded meta-
Note: This attribute is only available for Movie and TV Show metadata searches.
The duration of the media, extracted from the video file.
Note: This attribute is only available for Movie and TV Show metadata searches.
The name of the show the episode belongs to.
36 Chapter 5. Agent Plug-ins
Plex Plug-in Framework Documentation, Release 2.1.1
Note: This attribute is only available for TV Show metadata searches.
The season of the show the episode belongs to.
Note: This attribute is only available for TV Show metadata searches.
The episode number.
Note: This attribute is only available for TV Show metadata searches.
The name of the artist.
Note: This attribute is only available for Artist and Album metadata searches.
The name of the album.
Note: This attribute is only available for Artist and Album metadata searches.
The name of the track.
Note: This attribute is only available for Artist and Album metadata searches.
The position of the track in the album.
Note: This attribute is only available for Album metadata searches.
The media object also provides access to the media hierarchy identified by the scanner
and stored in the database. This tree contains more comprehensive information about all
items belonging to this piece of media and their locations on disk.
The tree contains the media item & media part structure used by Plex’s library system
and the Object classes. These items and parts can be accessed using Python’s standard
item getting syntax. For example, to access the first part of the first item in the tree:
The tree can also be used to access the sub-items of the media (e.g. episodes and al-
bums). The syntax for accessing these items is relatively straightforward and intuitive.
5.2. Searching for results to provide matches for media 37
Plex Plug-in Framework Documentation, Release 2.1.1
For example, to access the first part of the first item of episode 1 of season 1:
Note: As shown above, the media items and media parts always start with an index of
0. Seasons and episodes will always use the canonical number as the key.
class MediaPart
A string identifying path to the media file on disk.
A string identifying the hash of the file, as used by
Note: This attribute is only available for Movie and TV Show metadata searches.
The developer should use the hints provided by the media object to add a series of
search result objects to the provided results object. Results should be instances of the
MetadataSearchResult (page 38) class.
class MetadataSearchResult
The MetadataSearchResult class includes the following attributes. Each attribute
can be set by passing a keyword argument to the constructor, or setting the attribute
directly on the object after it has been created.
A string that uniquely identifies the metadata. This can be in any format. The
provided value will be passed to the update method if the metadata needs to be
downloaded, so the developer should ensure that the value can be used later to
access the metadata without the provided hints.
A string defining the name of the matched metadata item. This will be displayed to
the user if they choose to manually match a piece of media.
An integer defining the year associated with the matched metadata item. This will
be displayed to the user if they choose to manually match a piece of media, and can
be helpful for identifying the correct item when two similarly or identically named
results are returned.
An integer defining how close the result matches the provided hints. This should
be a value between 0 and 100, with 100 being considered an exact match. Results
with a score of 85 or greater are considered “good enough” for automatic matching,
with the highest-scoring result being selected by default.
A string defining the language of the metadata that would be returned by the given
38 Chapter 5. Agent Plug-ins
Plex Plug-in Framework Documentation, Release 2.1.1
result. This should be equal to one of the constants defined in the Locale (page 79)
5.3 Adding metadata to media
Once an item has been successfully matched, it is added to the update queue. As the framework
processes queued items, it calls the update method of the relevant agents.
update(self, metadata, media, lang)::
self – A reference to the instance of the agent class.
metadata A pre-initialized metadata object if this is the first time
the item is being updated, or the existing metadata object if the item
is being refreshed.
media (Media (page 36)) – An object containing information about
the media hierarchy in the database.
lang (str ( A
string identifying which language should be used for the metadata.
This will be one of the constants defined in the agent’s languages
force (bool ( – A
boolean value identifying whether the user forced a full refresh of the
metadata. If this argument is True, all metadata should be refreshed,
regardless of whether it has been populated previously.
Note: The Media (page 36) object provided to the update function exposes the media
tree in the database, but does not provide any of the extra hints used in the search function.
When called, the function will be passed an instance of a metadata model class (detailed in
the next topic). If the item has been updated previously, this object will contain all the data
previously added by the agent. If this is the first time the update function has been called for
this metadata item, a new, empty object will be passed.
It is the developer’s responsibility to check for existing content stored within the object, and
avoid populating data that is already present. This is especially important when storing image
or audio data, as downloading this unnecessarily can place undue burden on the servers used
by the agent and slow down the metadata updating process.
5.4 Metadata Model Classes
The model classes used to provide metadata objects to the update method share many com-
mon attributes with the framework’s Object API. These classes are never instantiated directly
5.3. Adding metadata to media 39
Plex Plug-in Framework Documentation, Release 2.1.1
by the developer; they are generated automatically and passed to the update method as the
metadata argument.
The attributes supported by each class are listed below.
class Movie
Represents a movie (e.g. a theatrical release, independent film, home movie, etc.)
A set of strings specifying the movie’s genre.
A set of strings specifying the movie’s tags.
A set of strings specifying the movie’s genre.
An integer specifying the duration of the movie, in milliseconds.
A float between 0 and 10 specifying the movie’s rating.
A string specifying the movie’s original title.
A string specifying the movie’s title.
An integer specifying the movie’s release year.
A date object specifying the movie’s original release date.
A string specifying the movie’s studio.
A string specifying the movie’s tagline.
A string specifying the movie’s summary.
A string containing trivia about the movie.
A string containing memorable quotes from the movie.
A string specifying the movie’s content rating.
A string specifying the minumum age for viewers of the movie.
40 Chapter 5. Agent Plug-ins
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A set of strings specifying the movie’s writers.
A set of strings specifying the movie’s directors.
A set of strings specifying the movie’s producers.
A set of strings specifying the countries involved in the production of the movie.
A container of proxy objects representing the movie’s posters. See below for infor-
mation about proxy objects.
A container of proxy objects representing the movie’s background art. See below
for information about proxy objects.
A container of proxy objects representing the movie’s theme music. See below for
information about proxy objects.
class Episode
Represents an episode of a TV show or other episodic content.
A string specifying the episode’s title.
A string specifying the episode’s summary.
A date object specifying when the episode originally aired.
An integer attribute with a valuebetween 0 and 10 specifying the episode’s rating.
A set of strings specifying the episode’s writers.
A set of strings specifying the episode’s directors.
A set of strings specifying the episode’s producers.
A set of strings specifying the episode’s guest stars.
An integer specifying the absolute index of the episode within the entire series.
A container of proxy objects representing the episode’s thumbnail images. See
5.4. Metadata Model Classes 41
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below for information about proxy objects.
An integer specifying the duration of the episode, in milliseconds.
class Season
Represents a season of a TV show.
A string specifying the season’s summary.
A container of proxy objects representing the season’s posters. See below for infor-
mation about proxy objects.
A container of proxy objects representing the season’s banner images. See below
for information about proxy objects.
A map of Episode (page 41) objects.
class TV_Show
Represents a TV show, or the top-level of other episodic content.
A set of strings specifying the show’s genres.
A set of strings specifying the show’s tags.
A set of strings specifying the show’s collections.
An integer specifying the approximate duration of each episode in the show, in
A float between 0 and 10 specifying the show’s rating.
A string specifying the show’s title.
A string specifying the show’s summary.
A date object specifying the date the show originally started airing,
A string specifying the show’s content rating.
A string specifying the studio that produced the show.
42 Chapter 5. Agent Plug-ins
Plex Plug-in Framework Documentation, Release 2.1.1
A set of strings specifying the countries involved in the production of the show.
A container of proxy objects representing the show’s posters. See below for infor-
mation about proxy objects.
A container of proxy objects representing the show’s banner images. See below for
information about proxy objects.
A container of proxy objects representing the show’s banner images. See below for
information about proxy objects.
A container of proxy objects representing the show’s theme music. See below for
information about proxy objects.
class Artist
Represents an artist or group.
A set of strings specifying the artist’s genres.
A set of strings specifying the artist’s tags.
A set of strings specifying the collections the artist belongs to.
A float between 0 and 10 specifying the artist’s rating.
A string specifying the artist’s name.
A string specifying the artist’s biography.
A container of proxy objects representing the artist’s posters. See below for infor-
mation about proxy objects.
A container of proxy objects representing the artist’s background art. See below for
information about proxy objects.
A container of proxy objects representing the artist’s theme music. See below for
information about proxy objects.
class Album
Represents a music album.
5.4. Metadata Model Classes 43
Plex Plug-in Framework Documentation, Release 2.1.1
A list of strings specifying the album’s genres.
A list of strings specifying the album’s tags.
..todo:: Describe
A float between 0 and 10 specifying the album’s rating.
A string specifying the album’s original title.
A string specifying the album’s title.
A string specifying the album’s summary.
A string specifying the album’s studio.
A date object specifying the album’s original release date.
A list of strings specifying the album’s producers.
A list of strings specifying the countries involved in the production of the album.
A container of proxy objects representing the album’s covers. See below for infor-
mation about proxy objects.
A map of Track (page 44) objects representing the album’s tracks.
class Track
Represents an audio track (e.g. music, audiobook, podcast, etc.)
A string specifying the track’s name.
5.4.1 Proxy objects
Proxy objects are used for associating image and audio files with metadata.
Metadata objects will often have many posters, background images or theme music tracks
available, but the user will usually only require one of each. This makes downloading the data
for each possible choice time-consuming and places undue burden on the servers providing the
44 Chapter 5. Agent Plug-ins
Plex Plug-in Framework Documentation, Release 2.1.1
To remedy this, the framework uses proxy objects to reduce the amount of data that needs to be
downloaded during the initial metadata update. There are two types of proxy available:
Proxy.Preview(data, sort_order=None)
This proxy should be used when a preview version of the final piece of media is available,
e.g. a thumbnail image for a high-resolution poster, or a short clip of a theme music file.
When the user selects a piece of media referred to by a preview proxy, the media server
will automatically download the final piece of media for use by clients.
Proxy.Media(data, sort_order=None)
This proxy should be used when no preview version of the media is available, i.e. the
data is the real media file data.
Using proxies is simple. The proxy should be assigned to a proxy container attribute, using the
media’s full URL as the key:
metadata.posters[full_poster_url] = Proxy.Preview(poster_thumbnail_data)
The sort_order attribute can be set to specify the order in which the possible choices are
presented to the user. Items with lower sort order values are listed first.
5.4. Metadata Model Classes 45
Plex Plug-in Framework Documentation, Release 2.1.1
46 Chapter 5. Agent Plug-ins
6.1 Standard API
6.1.1 Controlling the runtime environment
All plug-in code executes inside a runtime environment provided by the framework. This per-
forms a variety of tasks automatically, including communicating with the media server, creating
contexts in which to handle incoming requests, and formatting responses for consumption by
The framework provides a number of APIs for controlling the runtime environment and access-
ing contextual request information.
Global functions
The following global functions are provided:
handler(prefix, name, thumb=”icon-default.png”, art=”art-default.png”)
This function should always be used as a decorator. It enables the developer to register
a function in their code as a prefix handler. Any subsequent requests with a matching
prefix will be directed to that plug-in by the media server:
@handler(’/video/example’, ’Example’)
def Main():
The decorated function definition should not include any required arguments.
prefix (str ( The
prefix at which to register the plug-in. All plug-ins should be reg-
istered under one of the four main top-level directories: video,
music, photos or applications.
Plex Plug-in Framework Documentation, Release 2.1.1
name – The title of the registered prefix, to be displayed in the client
user interface. This can be either a string, or the key of a localized
string (see Locale (page 79) for more information).
route(path, method=’GET’)
This function should always be used as a decorator. It allows functions to be assigned
routes under a registered prefix (e.g. /video/example/myRoute). This enables the
developer to give their plug-in a REST-like API with very little effort.
path (str ( The
path for the new route.
method (str (
The HTTP method the route should be assigned to, either GET or
Route paths can include keyword arguments enclosed in braces that will be passed to the
function when it is executed:
def MyFunction(x):
print x
Callback(f, ext=None, **kwargs)
Generates a callback path for the given function. A route will be used if one is available,
otherwise an internal callback URL will be generated. Since these are not easily readable
or modifiable, the developer should consider adding routes to their plug-in’s functions if
this is important. If a request is made for the returned URL, the given function will be
executed with the arguments provided.
Here is a short example of using a callback, using classes explained in the next section:
@handler(’/video/example’, ’Example’)
def FunctionA():
oc = ObjectContainer(
objects = [
key = Callback(FunctionB, x=’abc’),
title = "Callback Example"
return oc
def FunctionB(x):
print ’FunctionB called:’, x
return None
This function should only be used as a decorator. It is used to specify that a function
does not return data directly, but instead returns an ObjectContainer (page 52) with
48 Chapter 6. API Reference
Plex Plug-in Framework Documentation, Release 2.1.1
a single item referring to the final location of the data. This is useful when the server the
stream resides on requires a specific user agent string or cookies before it will serve the
media, and these can’t be computed easily or quickly.
Using the decorator is simple:
def Play(x):
The framework will automatically adjust generated callback paths and the XML returned
to clients to indicate that the function does not return a direct response.
The Plugin API includes methods and attributes for interacting with the global plug-in object,
which provides view group management and manages the registration and calling of prefix of
route handler functions.
A read-only attribute containing the identifier of the plug-in.
Return type str
Alters the plug-in’s ‘niceness’ level, which affects how system resources are allocated.
The higher the value, the fewer resources will be given to this plug-in, allowing other
plug-ins and applications to make use of them instead.
The value should be between 0 (the default) and 20.
Parameters value (int (
The level of ‘niceness’ to apply
Returns a list of all prefixes currently registered by the plug-in.
rtype list
Plugin.AddViewGroup(name, viewMode=’List’, mediaType=’items’, type=None,
menu=None, cols=None, rows=None, thumb=None, sum-
The Route module provides additional methods for working with routes. While the route dec-
orator above is sufficient for most uses, it is sometimes useful to be able to have more control
over the routing system.
6.1. Standard API 49
Plex Plug-in Framework Documentation, Release 2.1.1
Route.Connect(path, f, method=’GET’, **kwargs)
Provides equivalent functionality to the route decorator, but allows instance methods of
objects to be added as routes as well as unbound functions.
The Platform API provides information about the server platform the plug-in is currently run-
ning on. While almost all plug-in code can be used cross-platform safely, it is sometimes
desirable to perform platform-specific checks if, for example, the code needs to call external
binaries only available on certain platforms, or the plug-in relies on a feature not supported by
all versions of the media server.
Reports the current server’s operating system.
Returns The current platform; either MacOSX, Windows or Linux.
Return type str
Reports the current server’s CPU architecture.
Returns The current CPU architecture; either i386, MIPS, mips64 or
Return type str
Reports whether the server supports playback of Silverlight video content.
Return type bool
The Request API provides access to the HTTP request currently being handled by the plug-in.
Note: These methods can only be used inside a request context.
A dictionary of the HTTP headers received by the plug-in for the current request.
Return type dict
The Response API allows the developer to modify the HTTP response that will be returned to
the client. This is unnecessary for most plug-ins, but in some cases it can be useful to be able
to specify additional response data.
Note: These methods can only be used inside a request context.
50 Chapter 6. API Reference
Plex Plug-in Framework Documentation, Release 2.1.1
A dictionary of keys and values that will be returned to the client as HTTP headers:
HTTP.Headers[’MyHeader’] = ’MyValue’
An integer value specifying the HTTP status code
( of the response.
The Client API provides information about the client currently accessing the plug-in, allowing
the developer to offer content selectively based on the capabilities of the device.
Note: These methods can only be used inside a request context.
Reports the platform of the client currently accessing the plug-in.
Returns The client platform; one of the constants defined in
ClientPlatform (page 88).
Return type str
Reports the protocols supported by the client currently accessing the plug-in.
Returns A list of protocols supported by the client, containing constants de-
fined in Protocol (page 88).
Return type list
6.1.2 Objects
The framework’s class library makes returning content to the media server or a client very
simple and easy to understand. Using the classes provided, the developer can construct rich
trees of objects using the same metadata types as Plex’s own library system. The runtime
environment will automatically convert the returned objects into the media server’s standard
XML format.
Object classes
Each object class includes a number of attributes. Attributes for each object can be set in two
ways; either as part of the constructor, or by setting the attribute individually later on:
6.1. Standard API 51
Plex Plug-in Framework Documentation, Release 2.1.1
movie = MovieObject(
title = "Movie Title",
studio = "Movie Studio"
movie.tagline = "Movie Tagline"
Additionally, attributes can be set on the classes themselves. Any objects created afterwards
will inherit the default attribute from the class: = "Movie Studio"
The following classes are available:
ObjectContainer (page 52)
MovieObject (page 54)
VideoClipObject (page 56)
EpisodeObject (page 56)
SeasonObject (page 57)
TVShowObject (page 58)
ArtistObject (page 59)
AlbumObject (page 59)
TrackObject (page 60)
DirectoryObject (page 62)
PopupDirectoryObject (page 62)
InputDirectoryObject (page 63)
PrefsObject (page 63)
MediaObject (page 64)
PartObject (page 65)
The attributes supported by each class are listed below.
class ObjectContainer(**kwargs)
A container for other objects. ObjectContainer is the type most frequently returned to
other applications. It provides clients with an ordered list of items in response to a re-
A string specifying the name of the view group the client should use when dis-
playing the container’s contents. This should be the name of a group previously
registered with Plugin.AddViewGroup() (page 49).
52 Chapter 6. API Reference
Plex Plug-in Framework Documentation, Release 2.1.1
Identifies the type of the objects inside the container. This attribute should be set to
one of the container type constants identified here. ..todo:: Link to container types
A string specifying an image resource that should be used as the container’s back-
ground art.
A string specifying the first title to display in the user interface.
A string specifying the second title to display in the user interface.
A string specifying any HTTP cookies that need to be passed to the server when
attempting to play items from the container.
A string specifying the user agent header that needs to be sent to the server when
attempting to play items from the container.
A boolean specifying whether the container should be added to the client’s history
stack. For example, if Container B in the sequence A => B => C had no_cache
set to True, navigating back from C would take the user directly to A.
A boolean specifying whether the container should replace the previous container
in the client’s history stack. For example, if Container C in the sequence A => B
=> C had replace_parent set to True, navigating back from C would take the user
directly to A.
A boolean indicating whether the container can be cached or not. Under normal
circumstances, the client will cache a container for use when navigating back up
the directory tree. If no_cache is set to True, the container will be requested again
when navigating back.
A boolean indicating that the objects in the container do not share a common parent
object (for example, tracks in a playlist).
The header and message attributes are used in conjunction. They instruct the client
to isplay a message dialog on loading the container, where header is the message
dialog’s title and message is the body.
Adds the object obj to the container. The container can also be populated by passing
a list of objects to the constructor as the objects argument:
6.1. Standard API 53
Plex Plug-in Framework Documentation, Release 2.1.1
oc = ObjectContainer(
objects = [
title = "Movie"
title = "Video Clip"
Containers can be passed to the len() (
function to get the number of objects they contain.
Metadata objects
class MovieObject(**kwargs)
Represents a movie (e.g. a theatrical release, independent film, home movie, etc.)
A string specifying the URL of the movie. If a URL service that matches the given
URL is available, the key and rating_key attributes will be set and the list of media
objects will be generated automatically.
A string specifying the path to the movie’s full metadata object. This is usually a
function callback generated using Callback() (page 48). The function should
return an ObjectContainer containing a single metadata object with the maximum
amount of metadata available.
Note: If the url attribute is set (invoking a URL service), the key attribute is set
A string specifying a unique identifier for the movie. This unique value is used by
the media server for maintaining play counts and providing other advanced features.
Note: If the url attribute is set (invoking a URL service), the rating_key attribute
is set automatically.
A list of strings specifying the movie’s genre.
A list of strings specifying the movie’s tags.
An integer specifying the duration of the movie, in milliseconds.
54 Chapter 6. API Reference
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A float between 0 and 10 specifying the movie’s rating.
A string specifying the movie’s original title.
A string specifying the source of the movie (e.g. Netflix or YouTube)
A string specifying the movie’s title.
An integer specifying the movie’s release year.
A date object specifying the movie’s original release date.
A string specifying the movie’s studio.
A string specifying the movie’s tagline.
A string specifying the movie’s summary.
A string containing trivia about the movie.
A string containing memorable quotes from the movie.
A string specifying the movie’s content rating.
A string specifying the minumum age for viewers of the movie.
A list of strings specifying the movie’s writers.
A list of strings specifying the movie’s directors.
A list of strings specifying the movie’s producers.
A list of strings specifying the countries involved in the production of the movie.
A string specifying an image resource to use as the movie’s thumbnail.
A string specifying an image resource to use as the movie’s background art.
6.1. Standard API 55
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Adds the MediaObject (page 64) instance obj to the movie’s item list. The items
can also be populated by passing a list of objects to the constructor as the items
m = MovieObject(
items = [
class VideoClipObject(**kwargs)
Represents a video clip (e.g. a YouTube or Vimeo video).
VideoClipObject has the same attributes as MovieObject.
class EpisodeObject(**kwargs)
Represents an episode of a TV show or other episodic content.
A string specifying the URL of the movie. If a URL service that matches the given
URL is available, the key and rating_key attributes will be set and the list of media
objects will be generated automatically.
A string specifying a unique identifier for the episode. This unique value is used by
the media server for maintaining play counts and providing other advanced features.
Note: If the url attribute is set (invoking a URL service), the rating_key attribute
is set automatically.
A string specifying the episode’s title.
A string specifying the episode’s summary.
A date object specifying when the episode originally aired.
An integer attribute with a valuebetween 0 and 10 specifying the episode’s rating.
A list of strings specifying the episode’s writers.
A list of strings specifying the episode’s directors.
A list of strings specifying the episode’s producers.
A list of strings specifying the episode’s guest stars.
56 Chapter 6. API Reference
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An integer specifying the absolute index of the episode within the entire series.
A string specifying the path to the episode’s full metadata object. This is usually
a function callback generated using Callback() (page 48). The function should
return an ObjectContainer containing a single metadata object with the maximum
amount of metadata available.
Note: If the url attribute is set (invoking a URL service), the key attribute is set
A string identifying the show the episode belongs to.
An integer identifying the season the episode belongs to.
A string specifying an image resource to use as the episode’s thumbnail.
A string specifying an image resource to use as the episode’s background art.
A string specifying the source of the episode (e.g. Netflix or YouTube)
An integer specifying the duration of the episode, in milliseconds.
Adds the MediaObject (page 64) instance obj to the episode’s item list. The
items can also be populated by passing a list of objects to the constructor as the
items argument:
obj = EpisodeObject(
items = [
class SeasonObject(**kwargs)
Represents a season of a TV show.
A string specifying the season’s summary.
A string specifying the path to a container representing the season’s content. This
is usually a function callback generated using Callback() (page 48).
A string specifying a unique identifier for the season. This unique value is used by
6.1. Standard API 57
Plex Plug-in Framework Documentation, Release 2.1.1
the media server for maintaining play counts and providing other advanced features.
An integer specifying the season’s index.
A string specifying the title to display for the season in the user interface.
A string specifying the show the season belongs to.
An integer specifying the number of episodes in the season.
A string specifying the source of the season (e.g. Netflix or YouTube)
A string specifying an image resource to use as the season’s thumbnail.
A string specifying an image resource to use as the season’s background art.
class TVShowObject(**kwargs)
Represents a TV show, or the top-level of other episodic content.
A string specifying the path to a container representing the show’s content. This is
usually a function callback generated using Callback() (page 48).
A string specifying a unique identifier for the show. This unique value is used by the
media server for maintaining play counts and providing other advanced features.
A list of attributes specifying the show’s genres.
A list of attributes specifying the show’s tags.
An integer specifying the approximate duration of each episode in the show, in
A float between 0 and 10 specifying the show’s rating.
A string specifying the source of the show (e.g. Netflix or YouTube)
A string specifying the show’s title.
A string specifying the show’s summary.
58 Chapter 6. API Reference
Plex Plug-in Framework Documentation, Release 2.1.1
A date object specifying the date the show originally started airing,
A string specifying the show’s content rating.
A string specifying the studio that produced the show.
A list of strings specifying the countries involved in the production of the show.
A string specifying an image resource to use as the show’s thumbnail.
A string specifying an image resource to use as the show’s background art.
An integer specifying the TV show’s total number of episodes.
class ArtistObject(**kwargs)
Represents an artist or group.
A string specifying the path to a container representing the artist’s content. This is
usually a function callback generated using Callback() (page 48).
A list of strings specifying the artist’s genres.
A list of strings specifying the artist’s tags.
An integer specifying the total duration of the artist’s albums, in milliseconds.
A float between 0 and 10 specifying the artist’s rating.
A string specifying the source of the artist (e.g. Rhapsody or Spotify)
A string specifying the artist’s name.
A string specifing the artist’s biography.
A string specifying an image resource to use as the artist’s thumbnail.
A string specifying an image resource to use as the artist’s background art.
An integer specifying the total number of tracks available for the artist.
6.1. Standard API 59
Plex Plug-in Framework Documentation, Release 2.1.1
class AlbumObject(**kwargs)
Represents a music album.
A string specifying the path to a container representing the album’s tracks. This is
usually a function callback generated using Callback() (page 48).
A list of strings specifying the album’s genres.
A list of strings specifying the album’s tags.
An integer specifying the duration of the album, in milliseconds.
A float between 0 and 10 specifying the album’s rating.
A string specifying the album’s original title.
A string specifying the source of the album (e.g. Rhapsody or Spotify)
A string specifying the artist the album belongs to.
A string specifying the album’s title.
A string specifying the album’s summary.
A string specifying the album’s studio.
A date object specifying the album’s original release date.
A list of strings specifying the album’s producers.
A list of strings specifying the countries involved in the production of the album.
An integer value specifying the number of tracks the album contains.
A string specifying an image resource to use as the album’s thumbnail.
A string specifying an image resource to use as the album’s background art.
class TrackObject(**kwargs)
Represents an audio track (e.g. music, audiobook, podcast, etc.)
60 Chapter 6. API Reference
Plex Plug-in Framework Documentation, Release 2.1.1
A string specifying the URL of the track. If a URL service that matches the given
URL is available, the key and rating_key attributes will be set and the list of media
objects will be generated automatically.
A string specifying the path to the track’s full metadata object. This is usually a
function callback generated using Callback() (page 48). The function should
return an ObjectContainer containing a single metadata object with the maximum
amount of metadata available.
Note: If the url attribute is set (invoking a URL service), the key attribute is set
A string specifying the track’s title.
A string specifying a unique identifier for the track. This unique value is used by the
media server for maintaining play counts and providing other advanced features.
Note: If the url attribute is set (invoking a URL service), the rating_key attribute
is set automatically.
An integer specifying the track’s index in the parent album.
A string specifying the artist the track belongs to.
A string specifying the album the track belongs to.
A list of strings specifying the track’s genres.
A list of strings specifying the track’s tags.
An integer specifying the duration of the track, in milliseconds.
A float between 0 and 10 specifying the track’s rating.
A string specifying the source of the track (e.g. Rhapsody or Spotify)
A string specifying an image resource to use as the track’s thumbnail.
6.1. Standard API 61
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A string specifying an image resource to use as the track’s background art.
Adds the MediaObject (page 64) instance obj to the track’s item list. The items
can also be populated by passing a list of objects to the constructor as the items
obj = TrackObject(
items = [
Generic browsing objects
class DirectoryObject(**kwargs)
Represents a generic container of objects. Directory objects are usually used when cre-
ating a navigation hierarchy.
A string specifying the path to a container representing the directory’s content. This
is usually a function callback generated using Callback() (page 48).
A string specifying the directory’s title.
A string specifying the directory’s tagline.
A string specifying the directory’s summary.
A string specifying an image resource to use as the directory’s thumbnail.
A string specifying an image resource to use as the directory’s background art.
An integer specifying the duration of the objects provided by the directory, in mil-
class PopupDirectoryObject(**kwargs)
Similar to DirectoryObject above. The only difference is in the presentation of the di-
rectory’s content on the client - PopupDirectoryObjects are presented as a pop-up menu
where possible, and are not added to the client’s history stack.
A string specifying the path to a container representing the directory’s content. This
is usually a function callback generated using Callback() (page 48).
62 Chapter 6. API Reference
Plex Plug-in Framework Documentation, Release 2.1.1
A string specifying the directory’s title.
A string specifying the directory’s tagline.
A string specifying the directory’s summary.
A string specifying an image resource to use as the directory’s thumbnail.
A string specifying an image resource to use as the directory’s background art.
An integer specifying the duration of the objects provided by the directory, in mil-
class InputDirectoryObject(**kwargs)
Represents a container of objects generated from a query inputted by the user. The client
will display an input dialog with the given prompt.
A string specifying the path to a container representing the directory’s content. This
is usually a function callback generated using Callback() (page 48). The func-
tion must accept a query argument, which contains the query entered by the user.
A string specifying the directory’s title.
A string specifying the directory’s tagline.
A string specifying the directory’s summary.
A string specifying an image resource to use as the directory’s thumbnail.
A string specifying an image resource to use as the directory’s background art.
A string specifying the prompt that should be displayed to the user in the input
dialog displayed after selecting the object.
class PrefsObject(**kwargs)
Represents an item that invokes the user preferences dialog when selected.
A string specifying the object’s title.
A string specifying the object’s tagline.
6.1. Standard API 63
Plex Plug-in Framework Documentation, Release 2.1.1
A string specifying the object’s summary.
A string specifying an image resource to use as the object’s thumbnail.
A string specifying an image resource to use as the object’s background art.
Media objects
class MediaObject(**kwargs)
Represents a single piece of media. Each metadata object may have multiple media
objects associated with it. All media objects for the metadata object should refer to the
same media, but in different formats, resolutions and/or containers (where available),
allowing the client to choose the most appropriate item for playback.
A list of strings specifying the protocols that the server and client must support in or-
der to play the media directly. The list should contain values defined in Protocol
(page 88).
A list of strings specifying the client platforms the media item should be made
available to. If the list is empty, the item will be available on all platforms. The list
should contain values defined in Platform (page 50).
An integer specifying the media’s bitrate.
An integer specifying the media’s aspect ratio (width / height).
An integer specifying the number of audio channels the media has (e.g. 2 for stereo,
6 for 5.1).
A string specifying the media’s audio codec. This attribute should be set to one of
the constants defined in AudioCodec (page 89).
A string specifying the media’s video codec. This attribute should be set to one of
the constants defined in VideoCodec (page 89).
An integer specifying the vertical resolution of the video.
A string specifying the media’s container. This attribute should be set to one of the
constants defined in Container (page 89).
64 Chapter 6. API Reference
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An integer representing the frame rate of the media.
An integer specifying the duration of the media, in milliseconds.
Adds the PartObject (page 65) instance obj to the media object’s list of parts.
The media object can also be populated by passing a list of objects to the constructor
as the parts argument:
media = MediaObject(
parts = [
class PartObject(**kwargs)
Represents a part of a piece of media. Most MediaObject instances will usually only
have one part, but can contain more if the media is split across several files or URLs. The
client will play each part contiguously.
A string specifying the location of the part. This can be an absolute URL, or a
callback to another function generated using Callback() (page 48).
An integer specifying the duration of the part, in milliseconds.
URL generating functions
The framework also provides three functions for handling URLs that require Plex’s WebKit
playback capabilities. To instruct the client to play the given URL using WebKit, the developer
can simply use one of the functions below to set the value of a PartObject (page 65)‘s key:
key = WebVideoURL(url)
Returns a URL that starts WebKit playback of the given web page URL. There must be
a matching site configuration (page 13).
RTMPVideoURL(url, clip=None, clips=None, width=None, height=None,
Returns a URL that starts WebKit playback of the given RTMP URL using Plex’s hosted
RTMP player.
WindowsMediaVideoURL(url, width=None, height=None)
Returns a URL that starts WebKit playback of the given Windows Media URL using
Plex’s hosted Silverlight player.
6.1. Standard API 65
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6.1.3 Accessing bundled resources
The Resource API provides methods that can be used to load files contained in the bundle’s
Resources directory.
Generates an externally accessible path for the named resource. This method is usually
used to assign bundled images to object attributes.
Note: The alias R() is equivalent to this method.
Generates an externally accessible path for the named shared resource. A list of valid
shared resource names is provided below.
Note: The alias S() is equivalent to this method.
Resource.Load(itemname, binary=True)
Loads the named resource file and returns the data as a string.
Resource.LoadShared(itemname, binary=True)
Loads the named shared resource file and returns the data as a string.
Attempts to guess the MIME type of a given path based on its extension.
Resource.AddMimeType(mimetype, extension)
Assigns the specified MIME type to the given extension.
6.1.4 Threading
The framework uses threading extensively under the hood to handle multiple concurrent re-
quests and perform certain sets of tasks concurrently. This is sufficient for most plug-ins;
however, in certain cases the developer may need to exert more control over the execution of
their code. To enable this, a specific API for threading is provided.
The Thread API allows the developer to create multiple threads of execution, and provides
various methods of synchronization.
Thread.Create(f, globalize=True, *args, **kwargs)
Creates a new thread which executes the given function, using the arguments and key-
word arguments provided.
Parameters f (function) – The function to execute.
66 Chapter 6. API Reference
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Note: By default, threads are globalized (removed from the current request context and
executed in the global context - see contexts). If the developer chooses not to globalize
a thread, it is their responsibility to ensure the main request thread stays alive while the
new thread is running to avoid the request context being released too early.
Thread.CreateTimer(interval, f, globalize=True, *args, **kwargs)
Similar to the Create method above, but executes the function in a background thread
after the given time interval rather than executing it immediately.
interval (float (
– The number of seconds to wait before executing the function
f (function) – The function to execute.
Pauses the current thread for a given time interval.
Parameters interval (float (
– The number of seconds to sleep for.
Returns the lock object with the given key. If no named lock object exists, a new one is
created and returned. If no key is provided, a new, anonymous lock object is returned.
Parameters key (str or None) – The key of the named lock to return.
Return type Lock (
Acquires the named lock for the given key.
Parameters key (str (
The key of the named lock to acquire.
Note: It is the developer’s responsibility to ensure the lock is released correctly.
Releases the named lock for the given key.
Parameters key (str (
The key of the named lock to acquire.
Returns the event object with the given key. If no named event object exists, a new one is
created and returned. If no key is provided, a new, anonymous event object is returned.
Parameters key (str or None) – The key of the named event to return.
Return type Event (
6.1. Standard API 67
Plex Plug-in Framework Documentation, Release 2.1.1
Clears a named event, causing any threads that subsequently wait for the event will block.
Parameters key (str (
The key of the named event.
Sets a named event, unblocking any threads currently waiting on it.
Parameters key (str (
The key of the named event.
Thread.Wait(key, timeout=None)
If the named event is unset, this method causes the current thread to block until the event
is set, or the timeout interval elapses (if provided).
key (str ( The
key of the named event.
timeout (float (
– The number of seconds to wait before aborting.
Returns True if the named event was set while waiting, or False if the timeout
occurred first.
Return type bool
Thread.Semaphore(key=None, limit=1)
Returns the semaphore object with the given key. If no named semaphore object exists,
a new one is created and returned. If no key is provided, a new, anonymous semaphore
object is returned.
Parameters key (str or None) – The key of the named semaphore to return.
Return type Semaphore (
6.1.5 Networking
Communicating with the outside world is one of the most common things plug-ins need to do.
The framework includes a number of features that make networking as simple as possible. The
HTTP methods in particular simplify the underlying request mechanism, providing features
such as automatic caching and cookie support.
Returns the server’s IP address. Unless the server is connected directly to the internet,
this will usually be a local IP address.
Return type str
68 Chapter 6. API Reference
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Returns the public IP address of the network the server is currently connected to.
Return type str
Returns the server’s hostname.
Return type str
Creates a new socket object.
Return type socket (
Creates a new SSLSocket object. These objects operate almost identically to the socket
objects returned by the above method, but support SSL connections. The only additional
requirement is that the do_handshake() method is called after establishing a connection.
The HTTP API provides methods for making HTTP requests and interacting with the frame-
work’s HTTP subsystem.
HTTP.Request(url, values=None, headers={}, cacheTime=None, encoding=None,
errors=None, timeout=<object object at 0x10042bc40>, immedi-
ate=False, sleep=0, data=None)
Creates and returns a new HTTPRequest (page 70) object.
url (str ( The
URL to use for the request.
values (dict (
Keys and values to be URL encoded and provided as the request’s
POST body.
headers (dict (
Any custom HTTP headers that should be added to this request.
cacheTime (int (
The maximum age (in second) of cached data before it should be
considered invalid.
timeout (float (
The maximum amount of time (in seconds) to wait for the request
to return a response before timing out.
immediate (bool (
If set to True, the HTTP request will be made immediately when
the object is created (by default, requests are delayed until the data
they return is requested).
6.1. Standard API 69
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sleep (float (
The amount of time (in seconds) that the current thread should be
paused for after issuing a HTTP request. This is to ensure undue bur-
den is not placed on the server. If the data is retrieved from the cache,
this value is ignored.
data (str ( The
raw POST data that should be sent with the request. This attribute
cannot be used in conjunction with values.
HTTP.SetPassword(url, username, password, realm=None)
HTTP.PreCache(url, values=None, headers={}, cacheTime=None, encoding=None,
Instructs the framework to pre-cache the result of a given HTTP request in a background
thread. This method returns nothing - it is designed to ensure that cached data is available
for future calls to HTTP.Request.
Clears the plug-in’s HTTP cookies.
Clears the plug-in’s HTTP cache.
Sets the plug-in’s user agent string to a random combination of browser & operating
system versions.
Parameters browser (str (
The browser to generate a user agent string for. Either Firefox or
Safari, or None to randomly select the browser used.
The default cache time (in seconds) used for all HTTP requests without a specific cache
time set. By default, this value is 0.
Type float
A dictionary containing the default HTTP headers that should be issued with requests:
HTTP.Headers[’User-Agent’] = ’My Plug-in’
class HTTP.HTTPRequest
This class cannot be instantiated directly. These objects are returned from
HTTP.Request() (page 69). They encapsulate information about a pending HTTP
request, and issue it when necessary.
Instructs the object to issue the HTTP request, if it hasn’t done so already.
A dictionary of HTTP headers returned by the server in response to the request.
70 Chapter 6. API Reference
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A string containing the response’s body.
The XMLRPC API provides access to Python’s xmlrpclib
( module, allowing de-
velopers to easily communicate with XMLRPC services.
XMLRPC.Proxy(url, encoding=None)
Returns an xmlrpclib.ServerProxy (
object for the given url. The framework’s default HTTP headers will be used.
6.1.6 Parsing and manipulating data
The most common requirement for plug-ins is the ability to retrieve data, manipulate that data to
extract meaningful content from it, and return that content to either a client or the media server
itself. Because data available online comes in a variety of formats, the framework includes a
number of data parsing libraries capable of handling the most common types of data format
and provides simple APIs for converting between these formats and regular Python objects.
The XML API provides methods for converting between XML-formatted strings and trees of
XML Element objects. New XML element trees can also be constructed. The underlying
functionality is provided by the lxml etree ( and
objectify ( libraries.
Note: It is strongly recommended that developers read lxml’s XPath Tutorial
( Manipulating elements returned by the etree library us-
ing XPath is a very powerful way of finding and accessing data within a XML document.
Learning to use XPath efficiently will greatly simplify the plug-in’s code.
XML.Element(name, text=None, **kwargs)
Returns a new XML element with the given name and text content. Any keyword argu-
ments provided will be set as attributes.
name (str ( The
name of the new element.
text (str ( The
text content of the new element.
Return type _Element (
6.1. Standard API 71
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XML.StringFromElement(el, encoding=’utf8’)
Converts the XML element object el to a string representation using the given encoding.
XML.ElementFromString(string, encoding=None)
Converts string to a HTML element object.
Return type
_Element (
XML.ElementFromURL(url, values=None, headers={}, cacheTime=None, en-
coding=None, errors=None, timeout=<object object at
0x10042bc40>, sleep=0)
Retrieves the content for a given HTTP request and parses it as XML using the above
url (str ( The
URL to retrieve content from.
values (dict (
Values to pass as URL encoded content for a POST request.
headers (dict (
Custom HTTP headers to add to the request.
cacheTime (float (
The maximum age (in seconds) that cached data should still be
considered valid.
timeout (float (
The maximum amount of time (in seconds) that the framework
should wait for a response before aborting.
sleep (float (
The number of seconds the current thread should pause for if a net-
work request was made, ensuring undue burden isn’t placed on web
servers. If cached data was used, this value is ignored.
XML.StringFromObject(obj, encoding=’utf-8’)
Attempts to create objectified XML from the given object.
Parses string as XML-formatted content and attempts to build a Python object using the
objectify library.
Return type ObjectifiedElement (
XML.ObjectFromURL(url, values=None, headers={}, cacheTime=None, autoUp-
date=False, encoding=None, errors=None, timeout=<object
object at 0x10042bc40>, sleep=0)
Retrieves the content for a given HTTP request and parses it as objectified XML using
the above method.
72 Chapter 6. API Reference
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url (str ( The
URL to retrieve content from.
values (dict (
Values to pass as URL encoded content for a POST request.
headers (dict (
Custom HTTP headers to add to the request.
cacheTime (float (
The maximum age (in seconds) that cached data should still be
considered valid.
timeout (float (
The maximum amount of time (in seconds) that the framework
should wait for a response before aborting.
sleep (float (
The number of seconds the current thread should pause for if a net-
work request was made, ensuring undue burden isn’t placed on web
servers. If cached data was used, this value is ignored.
The HTML API is similar to the XML API, but is better suited to parsing HTML content. It is
powered by the lxml html ( library.
HTML.Element(name, text=None, **kwargs)
Returns a new HTML element with the given name and text content. Any keyword
arguments provided will be set as attributes.
name (str ( The
name of the new element.
text (str ( The
text content of the new element.
Return type HtmlElement (
HTML.StringFromElement(el, encoding=’utf8’)
Converts the HTML element object el to a string representation using the given encoding.
Converts string to a HTML element object.
Return type
HtmlElement (
6.1. Standard API 73
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HTML.ElementFromURL(url, values=None, headers={}, cacheTime=None, en-
coding=None, errors=None, timeout=<object object at
0x10042bc40>, sleep=0)
Retrieves the content for a given HTTP request and parses it as HTML using the above
url (str ( The
URL to retrieve content from.
values (dict (
Values to pass as URL encoded content for a POST request.
headers (dict (
Custom HTTP headers to add to the request.
cacheTime (float (
The maximum age (in seconds) that cached data should still be
considered valid.
timeout (float (
The maximum amount of time (in seconds) that the framework
should wait for a response before aborting.
sleep (float (
The number of seconds the current thread should pause for if a net-
work request was made, ensuring undue burden isn’t placed on web
servers. If cached data was used, this value is ignored.
The JSON API provides methods for easily converting JSON-formatted strings into Python
objects, and vice versa.
More information about the JSON format can be found here (
Note: The framework includes two JSON parsers - one is fast, but very strict, while the second
is slower but more tolerant of errors. If a string is unable to be parsed by the fast parser, an
error will be logged indicating the position in the string where parsing failed. If possible, the
developer should check for and resolve these errors, as slow JSON parsing can have a severely
detrimental effect on performance, especially on embedded systems.
Converts the given object to a JSON-formatted string representation.
JSON.ObjectFromString(string, encoding=None)
Converts a JSON-formatted string into a Python object, usually a dictionary.
JSON.ObjectFromURL(url, values=None, headers={}, cacheTime=None, en-
coding=None, errors=None, timeout=<object object at
0x10042bc40>, sleep=0)
74 Chapter 6. API Reference
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Retrieves the content for a given HTTP request and parses it as JSON-formatted content
using the above method.
url (str ( The
URL to retrieve content from.
values (dict (
Values to pass as URL encoded content for a POST request.
headers (dict (
Custom HTTP headers to add to the request.
cacheTime (float (
The maximum age (in seconds) that cached data should still be
considered valid.
timeout (float (
The maximum amount of time (in seconds) that the framework
should wait for a response before aborting.
sleep (float (
The number of seconds the current thread should pause for if a net-
work request was made, ensuring undue burden isn’t placed on web
servers. If cached data was used, this value is ignored.
Parses the given YAML-formatted string and returns the object it represents.
YAML.ObjectFromURL(url, values=None, headers={}, cacheTime=None, en-
coding=None, errors=None, timeout=<object object at
0x10042bc40>, sleep=0)
Retrieves the content for a given HTTP request and parses it as YAML-formatted content
using the above method.
url (str ( The
URL to retrieve content from.
values (dict (
Values to pass as URL encoded content for a POST request.
headers (dict (
Custom HTTP headers to add to the request.
cacheTime (float (
The maximum age (in seconds) that cached data should still be
considered valid.
6.1. Standard API 75
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timeout (float (
The maximum amount of time (in seconds) that the framework
should wait for a response before aborting.
sleep (float (
The number of seconds the current thread should pause for if a net-
work request was made, ensuring undue burden isn’t placed on web
servers. If cached data was used, this value is ignored.
The RSS API provides methods for parsing content from RSS, RDF and ATOM feeds. The
framework includes the excellent Universal Feed Parser ( library to
achieve this functionality.
For more information about the objects returned by the feed parser, please consult the docu-
mentation ( here.
Parses the given string as an RSS, RDF or ATOM feed (automatically detected).
RSS.FeedFromURL(url, values=None, headers={}, cacheTime=None, autoUp-
date=False, encoding=None, errors=None, timeout=<object
object at 0x10042bc40>, sleep=0)
Retrieves the content for a given HTTP request and parses it as an RSS, RDF or ATOM
feed using the above method.
url (str ( The
URL to retrieve content from.
values (dict (
Values to pass as URL encoded content for a POST request.
headers (dict (
Custom HTTP headers to add to the request.
cacheTime (float (
The maximum age (in seconds) that cached data should still be
considered valid.
timeout (float (
The maximum amount of time (in seconds) that the framework
should wait for a response before aborting.
sleep (float (
The number of seconds the current thread should pause for if a net-
work request was made, ensuring undue burden isn’t placed on web
servers. If cached data was used, this value is ignored.
76 Chapter 6. API Reference
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The Plist API greatly simplifies handling content in Apple’s XML-based property list format.
Using these methods, data can easily be converted between property lists and regular Python
objects. The top-level object of a property list is usually a dictionary.
More information about the property list format can be found here
Converts a given object to a Plist-formatted string representation.
Returns an object representing the given Plist-formatted string.
Plist.ObjectFromURL(url, values=None, headers={}, cacheTime=None, en-
coding=None, errors=None, timeout=<object object at
0x10042bc40>, sleep=0)
Retrieves the content for a given HTTP request and parses it as a Plist using the above
url (str ( The
URL to retrieve content from.
values (dict (
Values to pass as URL encoded content for a POST request.
headers (dict (
Custom HTTP headers to add to the request.
cacheTime (float (
The maximum age (in seconds) that cached data should still be
considered valid.
timeout (float (
The maximum amount of time (in seconds) that the framework
should wait for a response before aborting.
sleep (float (
The number of seconds the current thread should pause for if a net-
work request was made, ensuring undue burden isn’t placed on web
servers. If cached data was used, this value is ignored.
6.1.7 Data storage and caching
It is often useful for developers to be able to store data for use by the plug-in later on. To
assist with this, the framework provides three methods of data storage, enabling the developer
to choose the method most suitable for their requirements.
6.1. Standard API 77
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The Data API provides methods for storing and retrieving arbitrary data. Plug-ins are generally
not allowed to access the user’s file system directly, but can use these methods to load and save
files in a single directory assigned by the framework.
The data storage locations are unique for each plug-in, preventing one plug-in from modifying
data stored by another.
Note: The actual location of data files stored by these methods may vary between platforms.
Loads a previously stored binary data item.
Parameters item (str (
The name of the data item to load.
Returns The contents of the data item stored on disk.
Return type str
Data.Save(item, data)
Stores binary data as a data item with the given name.
item (str ( The
name of the data item to store.
data (str ( The
binary data to store.
Loads a Python object previously stored as a data item.
Parameters item (str (
The name of the data item to load.
Returns The contents of the data item stored on disk.
Return type object
Data.SaveObject(item, obj)
Stores a Python object as a data item with the given name.
item (str ( The
name of the data item to store.
data (object (
– The Python object to store.
Checks for the presence of a data item with the given name
78 Chapter 6. API Reference
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Parameters item (str (
The name of the data item to check for.
Returns The existence of the item.
Return type bool
Removes a previously stored data item with the given name.
Parameters item (str (
The name of the data item to remove.
The Dict API provides access to a global singleton dictionary object, which can be used as
a key-value store by the developer. The dictionary is automatically persisted across plug-in
relaunches, and can safely be accessed from any thread.
Note: Only basic Python data types are officially supported by the dictionary. Many other
types of object will be accepted correctly, but certain objects will cause errors (e.g. XML
and HTML element objects). The developer should convert these objects to a more basic type
before attempting to store them.
x = Dict[key]
Retrieves the value for the given key from the dictionary.
Dict[key] = x
Stores the contents of the variable in the dictionary using the given key.
key in Dict
Evaluates as True if the dictionary contains the given key.
Causes the dictionary to be saved to disk immediately. The framework will automatically
save the file periodically, but the devloper can call this method to ensure recent changes
are persisted.
Removes all data from the dictionary.
6.1.8 Location Services
The Locale API provides methods for determining locale information about the current user
(for example, their spoken language and geographical location).
6.1. Standard API 79
Plex Plug-in Framework Documentation, Release 2.1.1
Returns the user’s country, obtained via IP-based geolocation, e.g. US.
Returns the locale of the user currently making a request to the plug-in, or None if no
locale was provided.
Returns the default locale currently in use by the plug-in, e.g. en-us.
Retrieves the localized version of a string with the given key. Strings from the user’s
current locale are given highest priority, followed by strings from the default locale.
See String files for more information on proividing localized versions of strings.
Locale.LocalStringWithFormat(key, *args)
Retrieves the localized version of a string with the given key, and formats it using the
given arguments.
Locale.Language provides constants representing every language known by the
framework. These constants represent two-character ISO 639-1 language codes
classmethod Language.Match(name)
Attempt to match a given string to a language. Returns the unknown code (xx) if no
match could be found.
The following languages are currently defined:
Language Code
Unknown xx
Afar aa
Abkhazian ab
Afrikaans af
Akan ak
Albanian sq
Amharic am
Arabic ar
Aragonese an
Armenian hy
Assamese as
Avaric av
Avestan ae
Aymara ay
Azerbaijani az
Bashkir ba
Bambara bm
Continued on next page
80 Chapter 6. API Reference
Plex Plug-in Framework Documentation, Release 2.1.1
Table 6.1 – continued from previous page
Basque eu
Belarusian be
Bengali bn
Bihari bh
Bislama bi
Bosnian bs
Breton br
Bulgarian bg
Burmese my
Catalan ca
Chamorro ch
Chechen ce
Chinese zh
ChurchSlavic cu
Chuvash cv
Cornish kw
Corsican co
Cree cr
Czech cs
Danish da
Divehi dv
Dutch nl
Dzongkha dz
English en
Esperanto eo
Estonian et
Ewe ee
Faroese fo
Fijian fj
French fr
Frisian fy
Fulah ff
Georgian ka
German de
Gaelic gd
Irish ga
Galician gl
Manx gv
Greek el
Guarani gn
Gujarati gu
Haitian ht
Hausa ha
Hebrew he
Herero hz
Continued on next page
6.1. Standard API 81
Plex Plug-in Framework Documentation, Release 2.1.1
Table 6.1 – continued from previous page
Hindi hi
HiriMotu ho
Croatian hr
Hungarian hu
Igbo ig
Icelandic is
Ido io
SichuanYi ii
Inuktitut iu
Interlingue ie
Interlingua ia
Indonesian id
Inupiaq ik
Italian it
Javanese jv
Japanese ja
Kalaallisut kl
Kannada kn
Kashmiri ks
Kanuri kr
Kazakh kk
Khmer km
Kikuyu ki
Kinyarwanda rw
Kirghiz ky
Komi kv
Kongo kg
Korean ko
Kuanyama kj
Kurdish ku
Lao lo
Latin la
Latvian lv
Limburgan li
Lingala ln
Lithuanian lt
Luxembourgish lb
LubaKatanga lu
Ganda lg
Macedonian mk
Marshallese mh
Malayalam ml
Maori mi
Marathi mr
Malay ms
Malagasy mg
Continued on next page
82 Chapter 6. API Reference
Plex Plug-in Framework Documentation, Release 2.1.1
Table 6.1 – continued from previous page
Maltese mt
Moldavian mo
Mongolian mn
Nauru na
Navajo nv
SouthNdebele nr
NorthNdebele nd
Ndonga ng
Nepali ne
NorwegianNynorsk nn
NorwegianBokmal nb
Norwegian no
Chichewa ny
Occitan oc
Ojibwa oj
Oriya or
Oromo om
Ossetian os
Panjabi pa
Persian fa
Pali pi
Polish pl
Portuguese pt
Pushto ps
Quechua qu
RaetoRomance rm
Romanian ro
Rundi rn
Russian ru
Sango sg
Sanskrit sa
Serbian sr
Sinhalese si
Slovak sk
Slovenian sl
Sami se
Samoan sm
Shona sn
Sindhi sd
Somali so
Sotho st
Spanish es
Sardinian sc
Swati ss
Sundanese su
Swahili sw
Continued on next page
6.1. Standard API 83
Plex Plug-in Framework Documentation, Release 2.1.1
Table 6.1 – continued from previous page
Swedish sv
Tahitian ty
Tamil ta
Tatar tt
Telugu te
Tajik tg
Tagalog tl
Thai th
Tibetan bo
Tigrinya ti
Tonga to
Tswana tn
Tsonga ts
Turkmen tk
Turkish tr
Twi tw
Uighur ug
Ukrainian uk
Urdu ur
Uzbek uz
Venda ve
Vietnamese vi
Volapuk vo
Welsh cy
Walloon wa
Wolof wo
Xhosa xh
Yiddish yi
Yoruba yo
Zhuang za
Zulu zu
Brazilian pb
NoLanguage xn
6.1.9 Reading user preferences
The framework provides a basic system for defining and retrieving user preferences. Allow-
ing the user to modify and save preferences is handled automatically by the clients and the
framework - the developer only needs to read them at the required points in their code.
The Prefs API provides a simple method for retrieving a given preference.
x = Prefs[id]
Retrieves the value of the user preference with the given id.
84 Chapter 6. API Reference
Plex Plug-in Framework Documentation, Release 2.1.1
Preference files
Preference files are used to define a set of preferences available for a plug-in. The files should
contain a JSON-formatted array, composed of a dictionary for each preference. The following
code demonstrates the available preference types:
"id": "pref1",
"label": "Text preference",
"type": "text",
"default": "Default Value",
"id": "pref2",
"label": "Hidden text preference (passwords, etc.)",
"type": "text",
"option": "hidden",
"default": "",
"secure": "true", # Indicates that the value should not be transmitted over insecure connections.
"id": "pref3",
"label": "Boolean preference",
"type": "bool",
"default": "true",
"id": "pref4",
"label": "Enum preference",
"type": "enum",
"values": ["value1", "value2", "value3"],
"default": "value3",
6.1.10 Utilities
The Hash API provides methods for calculating common hashes of binary data. All methods
return a lowercase string containing a hexadecimal representation of the data’s hash.
6.1. Standard API 85
Plex Plug-in Framework Documentation, Release 2.1.1
The String API provides several methods for performing common utility functions on strings.
Encodes the given string using the framework’s standard encoding (a slight variant on
Base64 which ensures that the string can be safely used as part of a URL).
Decodes a string previously encoded using the above function.
String.Quote(s, usePlus=False)
Replaces special characters in s using the %xx escape. Letters, digits, and the characters
’_.-’ are never quoted. If usePlus is True, spaces are escaped as a plus character
instead of %20.
String.Unquote(s, usePlus=False)
Replace %xx escapes by their single-character equivalent. If usePlus is True, plus char-
acters are replaced with spaces.
Removes HTML tags from a given string.
Generates a universally unique identifier (UUID) string. This string is guaranteed to be
Removes diacritics from a given string.
Attempts to return a pluralized version of the given string (e.g. converts boot to
String.LevenshteinDistance(first, second)
Computes the Levenshtein distance (
between two given strings.
String.LongestCommonSubstring(first, second)
Returns the longest substring contained within both strings.
86 Chapter 6. API Reference
Plex Plug-in Framework Documentation, Release 2.1.1
The Datetime API provides a number of methods for manipulating Python datetime objects and
converting them to and from other formats like timestamps or string representations.
Returns the current date and time.
Return type
datetime (
Attempts to convert the given string into a datetime object.
Return type
datetime (
Creates a timedelta object representing the duration given as keyword arguments. Valid
argument names are days, seconds, microseconds, milliseconds, minutes, hours and
weeks. This object can then be added to or subtracted from an existing datetime object.
Return type timedelta (
Converts the given datetime object to a UNIX timestamp.
Return type int
Converts the given UNIX timestamp to a datetime object.
Return type
datetime (
The Util API provides other useful utility functions.
Returns a random number between 0 and 1.
Return type float
Util.RandomInt(a, b)
Returns a random integer N such that a <= N <= b.
Returns a random item selected from the given list.
6.1. Standard API 87
Plex Plug-in Framework Documentation, Release 2.1.1
6.1.11 Debugging
The Log API allows the developer to add their own messages to the plug-in’s log file. The
different methods represent the different log levels available, in increasing levels of severity.
The first argument to each method should be a format string, which is formatted using any
additional arguments and keyword arguments provided.
Log.Debug(fmt, *args, **kwargs)
Log.Info(fmt, *args, **kwargs)
Log.Warn(fmt, *args, **kwargs)
Log.Error(fmt, *args, **kwargs)
Log.Critical(fmt, *args, **kwargs)
Log.Exception(fmt, *args, **kwargs)
The same as the Critical method above, but appends the current stack trace to the log
Note: This method should only be called when handling an exception.
6.1.12 Constants
Client Platforms
88 Chapter 6. API Reference
Plex Plug-in Framework Documentation, Release 2.1.1
View Types
Summary Text Types
Audio Codecs
Video Codecs
Container File Types
Object Container Content Types
6.1. Standard API 89
Plex Plug-in Framework Documentation, Release 2.1.1
90 Chapter 6. API Reference
7.1 Tags (Alphabetical)
7.1.1 <action>
<!ELEMENT action (click|goto|lockPlugin|move|pause|run|type|visit)
The <action> elemement is used inside a state and event element and tells the player “what do
to” when it’s corresponding condition is true.
<state name="playing">
<command name="pause"/>
<goto state="paused"/>
Here is a list of action tags:
<click> (page 93)
<goto> (page 96)
<lockPlugin> (page 96)
<move> (page 96)
<pause> (page 98)
<run> (page 99)
<type> (page 101)
<visit> (page 102)
Plex Plug-in Framework Documentation, Release 2.1.1
7.1.2 <and>
<!ELEMENT and (and|color|command|condition|frameLoaded|javascript|not|or|pref|title|url)+>
This element is used inside of <condition> (page 93) tags to build out boolean logic.
Unlike the <condition> and <not> tags, the <and> tag may have more than one of any
See also:
Event Conditions (page 20)
<condition> (page 93)
<condition name="foo">
<color x="1" y="1" rgb="ffffff"/>
<color x="2" y="2" rgb="ffffff"/>
<color x="3" y="3" rgb="ffffff"/>
<color x="4" y="4" rgb="ffffff"/>
7.1.3 <bigStep>
This is only used in Javascript (page 18) seekbars. It defines two javascript expressions to be
One when big stepping forward and one backwards.
<bigStep plus="myPlayerObj.skipForward(10);" minus="myPlayerObj.skipBackward(10);"/>
Both the minus and plus attributes may also contain a preference based replacement vari-
able. For example, the following code would replace ${mystepsize} with the value of the
preference named mystepsize:
<bigStep plus="myPlayerObj.skipForward(${mystepsize});" minus="myPlayerObj.skipBackward(${mystepsize});"/>
92 Chapter 7. Site Configuration Reference
Plex Plug-in Framework Documentation, Release 2.1.1
7.1.4 <condition>
<!ELEMENT condition (and|color|command|condition|frameLoaded|javascript|not|or|pref|title|url)?>
<!ATTLIST condition name CDATA #IMPLIED>
The condition tag can be a child of either the <site> (page 100) tag or the <event> (page 95)
When directly under the <site> (page 100) tag it is acting as a named conditional block. See:
Named Condition Definitions (page 21)
When under the <event> (page 95) tag it is acting as an inline definition. See: Event Conditions
(page 20)
The <condition> tag may only have one (or none) of either an operator (and, or, not) or a
condition tag (color, command, condition, frameLoaded, javascript, pref, title, url)
7.1.5 <color>
<!ATTLIST color x CDATA "0">
<!ATTLIST color y CDATA "0">
<!ATTLIST color op (dimmer-than|brighter-than) #IMPLIED>
This condition allows you to test pixel colors underneath a specific x and y coordinate. X/Y
coordinates are relative to the size of the player and not the entire web page. Negative (relative)
coordinates are allowed.
The rgb attribute is in the hex RGB value. It should not include the ‘#’ symbol nor should it
be abbreviated as it can be in CSS.
rgb="FFFFFF" - ok
rgb="#FFFFFF" - no
rgb="#FFF" - no
rgb="FFF" - no
If the op attribute is omitted, then the operation is equality. Otherwise the rgb value is used
as reference for brighter-than or dimmer-than
7.1.6 <click>
<!ATTLIST click skipMouseUp (true|false) "false">
7.1. Tags (Alphabetical) 93
Plex Plug-in Framework Documentation, Release 2.1.1
This condition allows you to click at a specific x and y coordinate. X/Y coordinates are relative
to the size of the player and not the entire web page. Negative (relative) coordinates are allowed.
If you do not want a mouse up event to be fired, then set the skipMouseUp attribute to true.
7.1.7 <command>
<!ELEMENT command EMPTY>
<!ATTLIST command name CDATA #REQUIRED> <!-- pause|play|bigstep+|smallstep+|bigstep-|smallstep-|chapter+|chapter- -->
This condition can be used to test for Plex video player events. These occur in response to the
keyboard, mouse or remote control.
Valid values for the name attribute are:
7.1.8 <crop>
This tag is used to crop the video player. Usually it’s used to chop out blank space and or some
player control so that the screen it zoomed in to focus soley on the video content.
If the player has extra data that you would like to crop out you can note the pixel width and
height that you wish to crop from the top (y) and left (x). To crop from the right or bottom just
reduce the width and height attributes.
If width and height are set to 0, then they are considered “auto” and will not crop the right or
94 Chapter 7. Site Configuration Reference
Plex Plug-in Framework Documentation, Release 2.1.1
7.1.9 <dead>
<!ATTLIST dead x CDATA "0">
<!ATTLIST dead y CDATA "0">
Used in seekbars. This is the x/y coordinate where you would like the mouse to rest after
clicking on a position in the seekbar. Sometimes a players controls need to fade back out and
you need to put the mouse in a “safe” place.
7.1.10 <end>
<!ATTLIST end x CDATA "0">
<!ATTLIST end y CDATA "0">
<!ATTLIST end condition CDATA #IMPLIED>
For Simple (page 17) and Thumb (page 17) seekbars you should specify the x/y coordinates of
the end of the playback timeline indicator.
For Javascript (page 18) seekbars, you should specify the condition attribute with a
javascript expression evaluating to true if the player is at the “end”
In the case of Javascript (page 18) seekbars, the condition attribute may also contain
a preference based replacement variable. For example, the following code would replace
${username} with the value of the preference named username:
<end condition="’${username}’ == ’david’">
See: Seekbars (page 16)
7.1.11 <event>
<!ELEMENT event (condition,action)>
A container who’s parent is the <state> (page 100) and that contains a <condition> (page 93)
and a <action> (page 91) tag.
See: States and Events (page 18)
7.1.12 <frameLoaded>
<!ELEMENT frameLoaded EMPTY>
A condition which evaluates as true when the webpage has been loaded.
7.1. Tags (Alphabetical) 95
Plex Plug-in Framework Documentation, Release 2.1.1
7.1.13 <goto>
An action which will transition to the state specified in the state attribute
If the state attribute is “end” it is handled specially and will exit the video and return to the
previous navigation menu in Plex. Addiionally, if you provide some text to the param attribute
when transitioning to the “end” state, then this message will be displayed in a message box to
the user. Useful for error messages when exiting.
7.1.14 <javascript>
Changed in version Plex: 0.8.3 <javascript> (page 96) script attribute can accept javascript
<!ELEMENT javascript EMPTY>
<!ATTLIST javascript script CDATA #REQUIRED>
<!ATTLIST javascript matches CDATA #REQUIRED>
This condition takes a javascript expression in the script attribute and an value to compare
the expression to in the matches attribute.
Examples assuming myVariable is 10 :
<javascript script="myVariable" matches="10"/> <!-- true condition -->
<javascript script="myVariable == 10 ? 1 : 0" matches="1"/> <!-- true condition -->
<javascript script="myVariable == 99 ? 1 : 0" matches="1"/> <!-- false condition -->
7.1.15 <lockPlugin>
<!ELEMENT lockPlugin EMPTY>
This is only relevant if you have also set the manualLock attribue to true in the <site>
(page 100) tag.
You should only use the combination of manualLock / lockPlugin if you have to perform ac-
tions/conditions prior to getting to the video itself. For example, logging in, changing the size
of the player with javascript, or setting a cookie and redirecting to another url etc.
7.1.16 <move>
96 Chapter 7. Site Configuration Reference
Plex Plug-in Framework Documentation, Release 2.1.1
This condition allows you to move the mouse to a specific x and y coordinate. X/Y coordinates
are relative to the size of the player and not the entire web page. Negative (relative) coordinates
are allowed.
7.1.17 <not>
<!ELEMENT not (and|color|command|condition|frameLoaded|javascript|not|or|pref|title|url)>
This element is used inside of <condition> (page 93) tags to build out boolean logic.
The <not> tag must have one and only one of either an operator (and, or, not) or a condition
tag (color, command, condition, frameLoaded, javascript, pref, title, url)
See also:
Event Conditions (page 20)
<condition> (page 93)
<condition name="foo">
<color x="1" y="1" rgb="ffffff"/>
<color x="2" y="2" rgb="ffffff"/>
<color x="3" y="3" rgb="ffffff"/>
<color x="4" y="4" rgb="ffffff"/>
7.1.18 <or>
<!ELEMENT or (and|color|command|condition|frameLoaded|javascript|not|or|pref|title|url)+>
This element is used inside of <condition> (page 93) tags to build out boolean logic.
Unlike the <condition> and <not> tags, the <or> tag may have more than one of any
See also:
Event Conditions (page 20)
<condition> (page 93)
7.1. Tags (Alphabetical) 97
Plex Plug-in Framework Documentation, Release 2.1.1
<condition name="foo">
<color x="1" y="1" rgb="ffffff"/>
<color x="2" y="2" rgb="ffffff"/>
<color x="3" y="3" rgb="ffffff"/>
<color x="4" y="4" rgb="ffffff"/>
7.1.19 <pause>
<!ATTLIST pause time CDATA "0"> <!-- number of milliseconds to wait -->
An action which will wait for the specified number of milliseconds.
<pause time="1000"/> <!-- wait one second -->
7.1.20 <percentComplete>
<!ELEMENT percentComplete EMPTY>
<!ATTLIST percentComplete equals CDATA #REQUIRED>
This is only used in Javascript (page 18) seekbars. It defines a single javascript expression
which should evaluate to floating point number between 0.0 and 100.0.
<percentComplete equals="(myPlayerObj.position() / myPlayerObj.vidLength())
The equals attribute may also be a preference based replacement variable. For example,
${vidlength} would be replaced by the value of the preference named vidlength
<percentComplete equals="(myPlayerObj.position() / ${vidlength})
7.1.21 <played>
<!ELEMENT played (color|condition)
The color(s) representing the played portion of the Seekbar (for simple seekbars) or the color(s)
that should match the Seekbar thumb (for thumb seekbars)
Only used in Simple (page 17) and Thumb (page 17) seekbars
98 Chapter 7. Site Configuration Reference
Plex Plug-in Framework Documentation, Release 2.1.1
7.1.22 <pre>
TODO: what exactly is this and how should it be used? Prerequisites too like does it require
manualLock=True etc.
7.1.23 <pref>
<!ATTLIST pref exists (true|false) "false">
A condition to test for the presence or absense of a preference.
<pref name="username" exists="true"/>
7.1.24 <run>
An action to run the specified javascript.
<run script="myVariable=10;"/>
The script attribute may also contain a preference based replacement variable. For example:
<run script="myUsername=’${username}’;"/>
7.1.25 <seekbar>
<!ELEMENT seekbar (start?|end?|played?|dead?|bigStep?|smallStep?|percentComplete?)
<!ATTLIST seekbar type (javascript|simple|thumb) #REQUIRED>
The container for seekbars. See Seekbars (page 16) for more information.
7.1.26 <setCookie>
Changed in version Plex: 0.8.3 <setCookie> (page 99) value attribute can accept javascript
7.1. Tags (Alphabetical) 99
Plex Plug-in Framework Documentation, Release 2.1.1
<!ELEMENT setCookie EMPTY>
<!ATTLIST setCookie domain CDATA #IMPLIED>
<!ATTLIST setCookie path CDATA #IMPLIED>
<!ATTLIST setCookie name CDATA #IMPLIED>
<!ATTLIST setCookie secure CDATA #IMPLIED>
<!ATTLIST setCookie value CDATA #IMPLIED>
Allows you to set a cookie.
<setCookie domain="" path="/" name="tosAccepted" value="true" secure="false"/>
<!-- ... -->
7.1.27 <site>
<!ELEMENT site (condition|crop|pre|seekbar|setCookie|state)
<!ATTLIST site allowPopups (true|false) "false">
<!ATTLIST site identifier CDATA #IMPLIED>
<!ATTLIST site initialState CDATA #REQUIRED>
<!ATTLIST site manualLock (true|false) "false">
<!ATTLIST site randomAgent (true|false) "false">
<!ATTLIST site version CDATA "1.0">
<!ATTLIST site windowHeight CDATA #IMPLIED>
<!ATTLIST site windowWidth CDATA #IMPLIED>
7.1.28 <start>
<!ATTLIST start x CDATA "0">
<!ATTLIST start y CDATA "0">
The x/y coordinates of the end of the playback timeline indicator.
Only used in Simple (page 17) and Thumb (page 17) seekbars
See: Seekbars (page 16)
7.1.29 <state>
<!ELEMENT state (event)
100 Chapter 7. Site Configuration Reference
Plex Plug-in Framework Documentation, Release 2.1.1
A state contains one or more <event> (page 95) tags each of which contain a <condition>
(page 93) and an <action> (page 91).
Typically, in an action a <goto> (page 96) tag is used with a name to transition to another state
with the corresponding state attribute set.
See States and Events (page 18) for more information
7.1.30 <smallStep>
<!ELEMENT smallStep EMPTY>
<!ATTLIST smallStep minus CDATA #REQUIRED>
This is only used in Javascript (page 18) seekbars. It defines two javascript expressions to be
One when big stepping forward and one backwards.
<smallStep plus="myPlayerObj.skipForward(5);" minus="myPlayerObj.skipBackward(5);"/>
Both the minus and plus attributes may also contain a preference based replacement vari-
able. For example, the following code would replace ${mystepsize} with the value of the
preference named mystepsize:
<smallStep plus="myPlayerObj.skipForward(${mystepsize});" minus="myPlayerObj.skipBackward(${mystepsize});"/>
7.1.31 <title>
<!ATTLIST title matches CDATA #REQUIRED>
A condition which evaluates to true when the title of the webpage matches the regular expres-
sion in matches.
7.1.32 <type>
An action to either type a string or a single key code.
You may use text or key but not both together.
The text attribute may also be a preference based replacement variable. For example, the
following code block would type out the characters that are contained in the value for the
username preference :
7.1. Tags (Alphabetical) 101
Plex Plug-in Framework Documentation, Release 2.1.1
<type text="${username}"/>
7.1.33 <url>
A condition which evaluates to true when the url of the webpage matches the regular expression
in matches.
7.1.34 <visit>
An action which causes the url specified in url to be visited.
Download the DTD
<!-- ROOT -->
<!ELEMENT site (condition|crop|pre|seekbar|setCookie|state)
<!ATTLIST site allowPopups (true|false) "false">
<!ATTLIST site identifier CDATA #IMPLIED>
<!ATTLIST site initialState CDATA #REQUIRED>
<!ATTLIST site manualLock (true|false) "false">
<!ATTLIST site randomAgent (true|false) "false">
<!ATTLIST site version CDATA "1.0">
<!ATTLIST site windowHeight CDATA #IMPLIED>
<!ATTLIST site windowWidth CDATA #IMPLIED>
<!ELEMENT action (click|goto|lockPlugin|move|pause|run|type|visit)
<!ELEMENT condition (and|color|command|condition|frameLoaded|javascript|not|or|pref|title|url)?>
<!ATTLIST condition name CDATA #IMPLIED>
<!ELEMENT event (condition,action)>
<!ELEMENT state (event)
102 Chapter 7. Site Configuration Reference
Plex Plug-in Framework Documentation, Release 2.1.1
<!ELEMENT seekbar (start?|end?|played?|dead?|bigStep?|smallStep?|percentComplete?)
<!ATTLIST seekbar type (javascript|simple|thumb) #REQUIRED>
<!ATTLIST start x CDATA "0">
<!ATTLIST start y CDATA "0">
<!ATTLIST end x CDATA "0">
<!ATTLIST end y CDATA "0">
<!ATTLIST end condition CDATA #IMPLIED>
<!ELEMENT played (color|condition)
<!ATTLIST dead x CDATA "0">
<!ATTLIST dead y CDATA "0">
<!-- javascript seekbar stuff -->
<!ELEMENT smallStep EMPTY>
<!ATTLIST smallStep minus CDATA #REQUIRED>
<!ELEMENT percentComplete EMPTY>
<!ATTLIST percentComplete equals CDATA #REQUIRED>
<!-- crop the player (flash or silverlight) to obtain the "playable area" -->
<!ELEMENT and (and|color|command|condition|frameLoaded|javascript|not|or|pref|title|url)+>
<!ELEMENT or (and|color|command|condition|frameLoaded|javascript|not|or|pref|title|url)+>
<!ELEMENT not (and|color|command|condition|frameLoaded|javascript|not|or|pref|title|url)>
<!ATTLIST color x CDATA "0">
<!ATTLIST color y CDATA "0">
<!ATTLIST color op (dimmer-than|brighter-than) #IMPLIED>
7.2. XML DTD 103
Plex Plug-in Framework Documentation, Release 2.1.1
<!ELEMENT command EMPTY>
<!ATTLIST command name CDATA #REQUIRED> <!-- pause|play|bigstep+|smallstep+|bigstep-|smallstep-|chapter+|chapter- -->
<!ELEMENT frameLoaded EMPTY>
<!ELEMENT javascript EMPTY>
<!ATTLIST javascript script CDATA #REQUIRED>
<!ATTLIST javascript matches CDATA #REQUIRED>
<!ATTLIST pref exists (true|false) "false">
<!ATTLIST title matches CDATA #REQUIRED>
<!-- ACTIONS -->
<!ATTLIST click skipMouseUp (true|false) "false">
<!ELEMENT lockPlugin EMPTY>
<!ATTLIST pause time CDATA "0">
104 Chapter 7. Site Configuration Reference
Plex Plug-in Framework Documentation, Release 2.1.1
<!-- MISC -->
<!ELEMENT setCookie EMPTY>
<!ATTLIST setCookie domain CDATA #IMPLIED>
<!ATTLIST setCookie path CDATA #IMPLIED>
<!ATTLIST setCookie name CDATA #IMPLIED>
<!ATTLIST setCookie secure CDATA #IMPLIED>
<!ATTLIST setCookie value CDATA #IMPLIED>
7.3 Keyboard Keycode Lookup
You can find the key code for use with the <type key="??"/> tag.
Use the Dec column from
7.3. Keyboard Keycode Lookup 105
Plex Plug-in Framework Documentation, Release 2.1.1
106 Chapter 7. Site Configuration Reference
Plex Plug-in Framework Documentation, Release 2.1.1
108 Chapter 8. Indices and tables
AudioCodec, 89
Cache, 79
Client, 51
ClientPlatform, 88
Container, 89
ContainerContent, 89
Data, 78
Datetime, 87
Dict, 79
Hash, 85
HTML, 73
HTTP, 69
JSON, 74
Locale, 79
Log, 88
Network, 68
Platform, 50
Plist, 77
Plugin, 49
Prefs, 84
Protocol, 88
Request, 50
Resource, 66
Response, 50
Route, 49
RSS, 76
String, 86
SummaryType, 89
Thread, 66
Util, 87
VideoCodec, 89
ViewType, 89
XML, 71
YAML, 75
Plex Plug-in Framework Documentation, Release 2.1.1
110 Python Module Index
absolute_index (Episode attribute), 41
absolute_index (EpisodeObject attribute), 56
accepts_from, 35
AcquireLock() (Framework.docutils.Thread
method), 67
add() (EpisodeObject method), 57
add() (MediaObject method), 65
add() (MovieObject method), 55
add() (ObjectContainer method), 53
add() (TrackObject method), 62
AddMimeType() (Frame-
work.docutils.Resource method),
Address (Framework.docutils.Network
attribute), 68
AddViewGroup() (Framework.docutils.Plugin
method), 49
Album (built-in class), 43
album (Media attribute), 37
album (TrackObject attribute), 61
AlbumObject (built-in class), 59
art (AlbumObject attribute), 60
art (Artist attribute), 43
art (ArtistObject attribute), 59
art (DirectoryObject attribute), 62
art (EpisodeObject attribute), 57
art (InputDirectoryObject attribute), 63
art (Movie attribute), 41
art (MovieObject attribute), 55
art (ObjectContainer attribute), 53
art (PopupDirectoryObject attribute), 63
art (PrefsObject attribute), 64
art (SeasonObject attribute), 58
art (TrackObject attribute), 61
art (TV_Show attribute), 43
art (TVShowObject attribute), 59
artist (AlbumObject attribute), 60
Artist (built-in class), 43
artist (Media attribute), 37
artist (TrackObject attribute), 61
ArtistObject (built-in class), 59
aspect_ratio (MediaObject attribute), 64
audio_channels (MediaObject attribute), 64
audio_codec (MediaObject attribute), 64
AudioCodec (module), 89
AudioCodec.AAC (in module AudioCodec),
AudioCodec.MP3 (in module AudioCodec),
banners (Season attribute), 42
banners (TV_Show attribute), 43
bitrate (MediaObject attribute), 64
Block() (Framework.docutils.Thread method),
Cache (module), 79
CacheTime (Framework.docutils.HTTP at-
tribute), 70
Callback() (built-in function), 48
CFBundleIdentifier, 7
ClearCache() (Framework.docutils.HTTP
method), 70
ClearCookies() (Framework.docutils.HTTP
method), 70
Client (module), 51
ClientPlatform (module), 88
ClientPlatform.Android (in module Client-
Platform), 88
ClientPlatform.iOS (in module ClientPlat-
form), 88
ClientPlatform.LGTV (in module ClientPlat-
form), 88
Plex Plug-in Framework Documentation, Release 2.1.1
ClientPlatform.Linux (in module ClientPlat-
form), 88
ClientPlatform.MacOSX (in module Client-
Platform), 88
ClientPlatform.Roku (in module ClientPlat-
form), 88
ClientPlatform.Windows (in module Client-
Platform), 88
collections (Album attribute), 44
collections (Artist attribute), 43
collections (Movie attribute), 40
collections (TV_Show attribute), 42
Connect() (Framework.docutils.Route
method), 49
container (MediaObject attribute), 64
Container (module), 89
Container.AVI (in module Container), 89
Container.MKV (in module Container), 89
Container.MOV (in module Container), 89
Container.MP4 (in module Container), 89
ContainerContent (module), 89
ContainerContent.Albums (in module Con-
tainerContent), 89
ContainerContent.Artists (in module Contain-
erContent), 90
ContainerContent.Episodes (in module Con-
tainerContent), 90
ContainerContent.GenericVideos (in module
ContainerContent), 90
ContainerContent.Genres (in module Contain-
erContent), 89
ContainerContent.Mixed (in module Contain-
erContent), 89
ContainerContent.Movies (in module Con-
tainerContent), 90
ContainerContent.Playlists (in module Con-
tainerContent), 89
ContainerContent.Seasons (in module Con-
tainerContent), 90
ContainerContent.Secondary (in module Con-
tainerContent), 89
ContainerContent.Shows (in module Contain-
erContent), 90
ContainerContent.Tracks (in module Contain-
erContent), 90
content (HTTP.HTTPRequest attribute), 70
content (ObjectContainer attribute), 53
content_rating (Movie attribute), 40
content_rating (MovieObject attribute), 55
content_rating (TV_Show attribute), 42
content_rating (TVShowObject attribute), 59
content_rating_age (Movie attribute), 40
content_rating_age (MovieObject attribute),
contributes_to, 35
countries (Album attribute), 44
countries (AlbumObject attribute), 60
countries (Movie attribute), 41
countries (MovieObject attribute), 55
countries (TV_Show attribute), 42
countries (TVShowObject attribute), 59
CPU (Framework.docutils.Platform attribute),
CRC32() (Framework.docutils.Hash method),
Create() (Framework.docutils.Thread
method), 66
CreateTimer() (Framework.docutils.Thread
method), 67
Critical() (Framework.docutils.Log method),
CurrentLocale (Framework.docutils.Locale
attribute), 80
Data (module), 78
Datetime (module), 87
Debug() (Framework.docutils.Log method),
Decode() (Framework.docutils.String
method), 86
DefaultLocale (Framework.docutils.Locale at-
tribute), 80
Delta() (Framework.docutils.Datetime
method), 87
Dict (module), 79
directors (Episode attribute), 41
directors (EpisodeObject attribute), 56
directors (Movie attribute), 41
directors (MovieObject attribute), 55
DirectoryObject (built-in class), 62
duration (AlbumObject attribute), 60
duration (ArtistObject attribute), 59
duration (DirectoryObject attribute), 62
duration (Episode attribute), 42
duration (EpisodeObject attribute), 57
112 Index
Plex Plug-in Framework Documentation, Release 2.1.1
duration (Media attribute), 36
duration (MediaObject attribute), 65
duration (Movie attribute), 40
duration (MovieObject attribute), 54
duration (PartObject attribute), 65
duration (PopupDirectoryObject attribute), 63
duration (TrackObject attribute), 61
duration (TV_Show attribute), 42
duration (TVShowObject attribute), 58
Element() (Framework.docutils.HTML
method), 73
Element() (Framework.docutils.XML
method), 71
ElementFromString() (Frame-
work.docutils.HTML method),
ElementFromString() (Frame-
work.docutils.XML method), 72
ElementFromURL() (Frame-
work.docutils.HTML method),
ElementFromURL() (Frame-
work.docutils.XML method), 72
Encode() (Framework.docutils.String
method), 86
Episode (built-in class), 41
episode (Media attribute), 37
episode_count (SeasonObject attribute), 58
episode_count (TVShowObject attribute), 59
EpisodeObject (built-in class), 56
episodes (Season attribute), 42
Error() (Framework.docutils.Log method), 88
Event() (Framework.docutils.Thread method),
Exception() (Framework.docutils.Log
method), 88
Exists() (Framework.docutils.Data method),
ExternalPath() (Framework.docutils.Resource
method), 66
fallback_agent, 35
FeedFromString() (Framework.docutils.RSS
method), 76
FeedFromURL() (Framework.docutils.RSS
method), 76
file (MediaPart attribute), 38
filename (Media attribute), 36
FromTimestamp() (Frame-
work.docutils.Datetime method),
genres (Album attribute), 43
genres (AlbumObject attribute), 60
genres (Artist attribute), 43
genres (ArtistObject attribute), 59
genres (Movie attribute), 40
genres (MovieObject attribute), 54
genres (TrackObject attribute), 61
genres (TV_Show attribute), 42
genres (TVShowObject attribute), 58
Geolocation (Framework.docutils.Locale at-
tribute), 79
GetCookiesForURL() (Frame-
work.docutils.HTTP method),
GuessMimeType() (Frame-
work.docutils.Resource method),
guest_stars (Episode attribute), 41
guest_stars (EpisodeObject attribute), 56
handler() (built-in function), 47
Hash (module), 85
HasSilverlight (Framework.docutils.Platform
attribute), 50
header (ObjectContainer attribute), 53
Headers (Framework.docutils.HTTP at-
tribute), 70
Headers (Framework.docutils.Request at-
tribute), 50
Headers (Framework.docutils.Response at-
tribute), 51
headers (HTTP.HTTPRequest attribute), 70
Hostname (Framework.docutils.Network at-
tribute), 69
HTML (module), 73
HTTP (module), 69
http_cookies (ObjectContainer attribute), 53
HTTPRequest (class in HTTP), 70
id (MetadataSearchResult attribute), 38
Index 113
Plex Plug-in Framework Documentation, Release 2.1.1
Identifier (Framework.docutils.Plugin at-
tribute), 49
index (Media attribute), 37
index (SeasonObject attribute), 58
index (TrackObject attribute), 61
indirect() (built-in function), 48
Info() (Framework.docutils.Log method), 88
InputDirectoryObject (built-in class), 63
JSON (module), 74
key (AlbumObject attribute), 60
key (ArtistObject attribute), 59
key (DirectoryObject attribute), 62
key (EpisodeObject attribute), 57
key (InputDirectoryObject attribute), 63
key (MovieObject attribute), 54
key (PartObject attribute), 65
key (PopupDirectoryObject attribute), 62
key (SeasonObject attribute), 57
key (TrackObject attribute), 61
key (TVShowObject attribute), 58
lang (MetadataSearchResult attribute), 38
languages, 35
LevenshteinDistance() (Frame-
work.docutils.String method), 86
Load() (Framework.docutils.Data method), 78
Load() (Framework.docutils.Resource
method), 66
load() (HTTP.HTTPRequest method), 70
LoadObject() (Framework.docutils.Data
method), 78
LoadShared() (Framework.docutils.Resource
method), 66
Locale (module), 79
LocalString() (Framework.docutils.Locale
method), 80
LocalStringWithFormat() (Frame-
work.docutils.Locale method),
Lock() (Framework.docutils.Thread method),
Log (module), 88
LongestCommonSubstring() (Frame-
work.docutils.String method), 86
Match() (Framework.docutils.Language class
method), 80
MD5() (Framework.docutils.Hash method),
Media (built-in class), 36
MediaObject (built-in class), 64
MediaObjectsForURL() (built-in function), 27
MediaPart (built-in class), 38
message (ObjectContainer attribute), 53
MetadataObjectForURL() (built-in function),
MetadataSearchResult (built-in class), 38
mixed_parents (ObjectContainer attribute), 53
Movie (built-in class), 40
MovieObject (built-in class), 54
name, 34
name (Media attribute), 36
name (MetadataSearchResult attribute), 38
name (Track attribute), 44
Network (module), 68
Nice() (Framework.docutils.Plugin method),
no_cache (ObjectContainer attribute), 53
no_history (ObjectContainer attribute), 53
NormalizeURL() (built-in function), 27
Now() (Framework.docutils.Datetime
method), 87
ObjectContainer (built-in class), 52
ObjectFromString() (Frame-
work.docutils.JSON method), 74
ObjectFromString() (Frame-
work.docutils.Plist method), 77
ObjectFromString() (Frame-
work.docutils.XML method), 72
ObjectFromString() (Frame-
work.docutils.YAML method),
ObjectFromURL() (Frame-
work.docutils.JSON method), 74
ObjectFromURL() (Framework.docutils.Plist
method), 77
ObjectFromURL() (Frame-
work.docutils.XML method), 72
114 Index
Plex Plug-in Framework Documentation, Release 2.1.1
ObjectFromURL() (Frame-
work.docutils.YAML method),
openSubtitlesHash (Media attribute), 36
openSubtitlesHash (MediaPart attribute), 38
original_title (Album attribute), 44
original_title (AlbumObject attribute), 60
original_title (Movie attribute), 40
original_title (MovieObject attribute), 55
originally_available_at (Album attribute), 44
originally_available_at (AlbumObject at-
tribute), 60
originally_available_at (Episode attribute), 41
originally_available_at (EpisodeObject
attribute), 56
originally_available_at (Movie attribute), 40
originally_available_at (MovieObject at-
tribute), 55
originally_available_at (TV_Show attribute),
originally_available_at (TVShowObject at-
tribute), 58
OS (Framework.docutils.Platform attribute),
ParseDate() (Framework.docutils.Datetime
method), 87
PartObject (built-in class), 65
Platform (Framework.docutils.Client at-
tribute), 51
Platform (module), 50
platforms (MediaObject attribute), 64
PlexAudioCodec, 7
PlexClientPlatforms, 7
PlexFrameworkVersion, 7
PlexMediaContainer, 7
PlexPluginClass, 7
PlexRelatedContentServices, 7
PlexSearchServices, 7
PlexURLServices, 7
PlexVideoCodec, 7
Plist (module), 77
Plugin (module), 49
Pluralize() (Framework.docutils.String
method), 86
PopupDirectoryObject (built-in class), 62
posters (Album attribute), 44
posters (Artist attribute), 43
posters (Movie attribute), 41
posters (Season attribute), 42
posters (TV_Show attribute), 43
PreCache() (Framework.docutils.HTTP
method), 70
Prefixes (Framework.docutils.Plugin at-
tribute), 49
Prefs (module), 84
PrefsObject (built-in class), 63
primary_agent (Media attribute), 36
primary_metadata (Media attribute), 36
primary_provider, 35
producers (Album attribute), 44
producers (AlbumObject attribute), 60
producers (Episode attribute), 41
producers (EpisodeObject attribute), 56
producers (Movie attribute), 41
producers (MovieObject attribute), 55
prompt (InputDirectoryObject attribute), 63
Protocol (module), 88
Protocol.HTTPLiveStreaming (in module Pro-
tocol), 89
Protocol.HTTPMP4Streaming (in module
Protocol), 89
Protocol.HTTPMP4Video (in module Proto-
col), 88
Protocol.HTTPVideo (in module Protocol), 88
Protocol.RTMP (in module Protocol), 88
Protocol.Shoutcast (in module Protocol), 88
Protocol.WebKit (in module Protocol), 88
Protocols (Framework.docutils.Client at-
tribute), 51
protocols (MediaObject attribute), 64
Proxy() (Framework.docutils.XMLRPC
method), 71
Proxy.Media() (built-in function), 45
Proxy.Preview() (built-in function), 45
PublicAddress (Framework.docutils.Network
attribute), 68
Quote() (Framework.docutils.String method),
quotes (Movie attribute), 40
quotes (MovieObject attribute), 55
Index 115
Plex Plug-in Framework Documentation, Release 2.1.1
Random() (Framework.docutils.Util method),
RandomInt() (Framework.docutils.Util
method), 87
RandomItemFromList() (Frame-
work.docutils.Util method), 87
RandomizeUserAgent() (Frame-
work.docutils.HTTP method),
rating (Album attribute), 44
rating (AlbumObject attribute), 60
rating (Artist attribute), 43
rating (ArtistObject attribute), 59
rating (Episode attribute), 41
rating (EpisodeObject attribute), 56
rating (Movie attribute), 40
rating (MovieObject attribute), 55
rating (TrackObject attribute), 61
rating (TV_Show attribute), 42
rating (TVShowObject attribute), 58
rating_key (EpisodeObject attribute), 56
rating_key (MovieObject attribute), 54
rating_key (SeasonObject attribute), 57
rating_key (TrackObject attribute), 61
rating_key (TVShowObject attribute), 58
RelatedContentForMetadata() (built-in func-
tion), 32
ReleaseLock() (Framework.docutils.Thread
method), 67
Remove() (Framework.docutils.Data method),
replace_parent (ObjectContainer attribute), 53
Request (module), 50
Request() (Framework.docutils.HTTP
method), 69
Reset() (in module Dict), 79
Resource (module), 66
Response (module), 50
Route (module), 49
route() (built-in function), 48
RSS (module), 76
RTMPVideoURL() (built-in function), 65
Save() (Framework.docutils.Data method), 78
Save() (in module Dict), 79
SaveObject() (Framework.docutils.Data
method), 78
score (MetadataSearchResult attribute), 38
search(), 35
Search() (built-in function), 30
Season (built-in class), 42
season (EpisodeObject attribute), 57
season (Media attribute), 37
SeasonObject (built-in class), 57
Semaphore() (Framework.docutils.Thread
method), 68
SetPassword() (Framework.docutils.HTTP
method), 70
SetRating() (built-in function), 13
SHA1() (Framework.docutils.Hash method),
SHA224() (Framework.docutils.Hash
method), 85
SHA256() (Framework.docutils.Hash
method), 86
SHA384() (Framework.docutils.Hash
method), 86
SHA512() (Framework.docutils.Hash
method), 86
SharedExternalPath() (Frame-
work.docutils.Resource method),
show (EpisodeObject attribute), 57
show (Media attribute), 36
show (SeasonObject attribute), 58
Sleep() (Framework.docutils.Thread method),
Socket() (Framework.docutils.Network
method), 69
source_title (AlbumObject attribute), 60
source_title (ArtistObject attribute), 59
source_title (EpisodeObject attribute), 57
source_title (MovieObject attribute), 55
source_title (SeasonObject attribute), 58
source_title (TrackObject attribute), 61
source_title (TVShowObject attribute), 58
SSLSocket() (Framework.docutils.Network
method), 69
Start() (built-in function), 13
Status (Framework.docutils.Response at-
tribute), 51
String (module), 86
StringFromElement() (Frame-
116 Index
Plex Plug-in Framework Documentation, Release 2.1.1
work.docutils.HTML method),
StringFromElement() (Frame-
work.docutils.XML method), 71
StringFromObject() (Frame-
work.docutils.JSON method), 74
StringFromObject() (Frame-
work.docutils.Plist method), 77
StringFromObject() (Frame-
work.docutils.XML method), 72
StripDiacritics() (Framework.docutils.String
method), 86
StripTags() (Framework.docutils.String
method), 86
studio (Album attribute), 44
studio (AlbumObject attribute), 60
studio (Movie attribute), 40
studio (MovieObject attribute), 55
studio (TV_Show attribute), 42
studio (TVShowObject attribute), 59
summary (Album attribute), 44
summary (AlbumObject attribute), 60
summary (Artist attribute), 43
summary (ArtistObject attribute), 59
summary (DirectoryObject attribute), 62
summary (Episode attribute), 41
summary (EpisodeObject attribute), 56
summary (InputDirectoryObject attribute), 63
summary (Movie attribute), 40
summary (MovieObject attribute), 55
summary (PopupDirectoryObject attribute),
summary (PrefsObject attribute), 63
summary (Season attribute), 42
summary (SeasonObject attribute), 57
summary (TV_Show attribute), 42
summary (TVShowObject attribute), 58
SummaryType (module), 89
SummaryType.Long (in module Summary-
Type), 89
SummaryType.NoSummary (in module Sum-
maryType), 89
SummaryType.Short (in module Summary-
Type), 89
tagline (DirectoryObject attribute), 62
tagline (InputDirectoryObject attribute), 63
tagline (Movie attribute), 40
tagline (MovieObject attribute), 55
tagline (PopupDirectoryObject attribute), 63
tagline (PrefsObject attribute), 63
tags (Album attribute), 44
tags (AlbumObject attribute), 60
tags (Artist attribute), 43
tags (ArtistObject attribute), 59
tags (Movie attribute), 40
tags (MovieObject attribute), 54
tags (TrackObject attribute), 61
tags (TV_Show attribute), 42
tags (TVShowObject attribute), 58
themes (Artist attribute), 43
themes (Movie attribute), 41
themes (TV_Show attribute), 43
Thread (module), 66
thumb (AlbumObject attribute), 60
thumb (ArtistObject attribute), 59
thumb (DirectoryObject attribute), 62
thumb (EpisodeObject attribute), 57
thumb (InputDirectoryObject attribute), 63
thumb (MovieObject attribute), 55
thumb (PopupDirectoryObject attribute), 63
thumb (PrefsObject attribute), 64
thumb (SeasonObject attribute), 58
thumb (TrackObject attribute), 61
thumb (TVShowObject attribute), 59
thumbs (Episode attribute), 41
TimestampFromDatetime() (Frame-
work.docutils.Datetime method),
title (Album attribute), 44
title (AlbumObject attribute), 60
title (Artist attribute), 43
title (ArtistObject attribute), 59
title (DirectoryObject attribute), 62
title (Episode attribute), 41
title (EpisodeObject attribute), 56
title (InputDirectoryObject attribute), 63
title (Movie attribute), 40
title (MovieObject attribute), 55
title (PopupDirectoryObject attribute), 62
title (PrefsObject attribute), 63
title (SeasonObject attribute), 58
title (TrackObject attribute), 61
title (TV_Show attribute), 42
title (TVShowObject attribute), 58
Index 117
Plex Plug-in Framework Documentation, Release 2.1.1
title1 (ObjectContainer attribute), 53
title2 (ObjectContainer attribute), 53
Traceback() (Framework.docutils.Plugin
method), 49
Track (built-in class), 44
track (Media attribute), 37
track_count (AlbumObject attribute), 60
track_count (ArtistObject attribute), 59
TrackObject (built-in class), 60
tracks (Album attribute), 44
trivia (Movie attribute), 40
trivia (MovieObject attribute), 55
TV_Show (built-in class), 42
TVShowObject (built-in class), 58
Unblock() (Framework.docutils.Thread
method), 68
Unquote() (Framework.docutils.String
method), 86
url (EpisodeObject attribute), 56
url (MovieObject attribute), 54
url (TrackObject attribute), 60
user_agent (ObjectContainer attribute), 53
Util (module), 87
UUID() (Framework.docutils.String method),
ValidatePrefs() (built-in function), 13
video_codec (MediaObject attribute), 64
video_frame_rate (MediaObject attribute), 64
video_resolution (MediaObject attribute), 64
VideoClipObject (built-in class), 56
VideoCodec (module), 89
VideoCodec.H264 (in module VideoCodec),
view_group (ObjectContainer attribute), 52
ViewGroups (Framework.docutils.Plugin at-
tribute), 49
ViewType (module), 89
ViewType.Grid (in module ViewType), 89
ViewType.List (in module ViewType), 89
Wait() (Framework.docutils.Thread method),
Warn() (Framework.docutils.Log method), 88
WebVideoURL() (built-in function), 65
WindowsMediaVideoURL() (built-in func-
tion), 65
writers (Episode attribute), 41
writers (EpisodeObject attribute), 56
writers (Movie attribute), 40
writers (MovieObject attribute), 55
XML (module), 71
XMLRPC (module), 71
YAML (module), 75
year (Media attribute), 36
year (MetadataSearchResult attribute), 38
year (Movie attribute), 40
year (MovieObject attribute), 55
118 Index